C macros for tvOS and Swift API Availability


With C macros for tvOS added from Xcode 7.1 (iOS 9.1 / OS X 10.11 / watchOS 2.0 / tvOS 9.0, Apple LLVM version 7.0.0 / Apple Swift version 2.1 / clang-700.1.76 / swiftlang-700.1.101.6) Introducing Swift API Availability.

C macro for tvOS



#define TARGET_OS_IPHONE            1
#define TARGET_OS_IOS               0
#define TARGET_OS_WATCH             0
#define TARGET_OS_TV                1

Defined when generating code to run on Apple TV (TARGET_OS_IPHONE is also 1). In the case of iOS, it is defined as follows.

#define TARGET_OS_IPHONE            1
#define TARGET_OS_IOS               1
#define TARGET_OS_WATCH             0
#define TARGET_OS_TV                0



#define __TVOS_9_0       90000

Define the tvOS version number.



#define __TVOS_UNAVAILABLE __OS_AVAILABILITY(tvos,unavailable)
#define __TVOS_PROHIBITED  __OS_AVAILABILITY(tvos,unavailable)

Both define unavailable on tvOS.



#define __TVOS_AVAILABLE(_vers) __OS_AVAILABILITY(tvos,introduced=_vers)

Define that it is available from the specified version of tvOS.

__TVOS_DEPRECATED(_start, _dep, _msg)


#define __TVOS_DEPRECATED(_start, _dep, _msg) __TVOS_AVAILABLE(_start) __OS_AVAILABILITY_MSG(tvos,deprecated=_dep,_msg)

Defines that it is available from the version of tvOS specified by _start and deprecated by the version of tvOS specified by _dep. Specify a message instructing an alternative with _msg.



        /* compiler sets __ENVIRONMENT_TV_OS_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED__ when -mtvos-version-min is used */
        #define __TV_OS_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED __IPHONE_9_0
        /* for compatibility with existing code.  New code should use platform specific checks */
        #define __IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED 90000

Define the minimum / maximum tvOS version supported by your application. If you specify -mtvos-version-min, the compiler sets its value to __TV_OS_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED.

Swift API Availability

Specify tvOS as the platform name of # available.

if #available(tvOS 9.1, ..., *) {

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