[JAVA] Think about how to divide MVC into M and V

Recently, in MVC, the boundary between M (model), V (view) and C (controller) has been changed. I think it's ambiguous in me, so I will add to this article how it should be separated from time to time.

Author environment Java, `SpringBoot```, `Thymeleef```

M and V

Be careful not to become a smart UI. →http://d.hatena.ne.jp/minekoa/20100116/1263657955

1. Do not use `` = introduced for views.

For example, there is an enum called State

<div th:if="${model.state == State.SUCCESS}">Succeeded!<div/> 

If so,

<div th:if="${model.isSuccess()}">Succeeded!<div/> 

I think it is better to say.


model.state and state.When SUCCESS matches, it is said to be successful

 I suspect that business logic is seeping into the view.
 View doesn't have to know that.

## 2. Judgment and processing are in the model, and the method of expression is in the view (WIP)

# M and C
## 1. Validation is a model (WIP)
 Validation is implemented in the model.
 In the controller, only the transition destination is changed when a validation error occurs.

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