[RAILS] Solve Ruby TGIF

Solve TGIF with ruby


TGIF is an acronym for Thank God It's Friday.

Thank you for welcoming the weekend after a long week of work or school in the Christian culture.

As input, weekday days of the week are given, so ・ For Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Still (day name) ・ If it is Friday, TGIF Please output.

Value to be entered

The input is given in the following format


Expected output

The day of the week given as input is ・ If it is Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday, Still (day name) ・ If it is Friday, TGIF Please output.

Input example 1


Output example 1

Still Monday

Input example 2


Output example 2


My answer


w = gets.to_s
if w == "Monday" || w == "Tuesday" || w == "Wednesday" || w== "Thursday"
    puts "Still" + w.sub("", " ")
elsif w == "Friday"
    puts "TGIF"


Get the string on the first line.

In the second line, create a code that says if there is an "equal" relationship with the character string obtained using the if statement. "| |"" Is an or sentence, so it means "or".

It is a translation to output with puts on the 3rd line, but this time it is necessary to attach the acquired result to the output result, so concatenate with "+". In addition, if this is left as it is, it will be a bit like "Still Monday" without any space, so if you use the sub method and change "" "" to "" "", space will be available.

In the 4th line, I have to create "If it was Friday" using elsif, so I set it to "Friday" in "Equal".

If "Friday" is equal to puts on the 5th line, "TGIF" will be output.

I think the point this time was probably the sub method </ font>. There is also a method called gsub, and the sub method can be changed pinpointly, but the gsub method can change everything, so it can be used quite as an application!

that's all!

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