Note: Rails View cheat sheet used at a certain school (under construction)


The following is an example using @book. form_with looks at @book as shown below and automatically decides the method when submitting.

Author's tweet It is convenient if the input form is created with ** partial template. ** ** It can be used on both the edit screen and the new screen. This is because form_with makes a judgment by looking at the contents of @book.
@book Method create
@book=Book.find(params[:id]) update


<%= form_with model:@book,local:true do |f| %>

    <%= f.label :title %>
    <%= f.text_field :Column name, class: 'form-control' %>

    <%= f.submit class: 'btn' %>

<% end %>

form_with additional options

Text box related


 #Input box height adjustment
  #It will be the height of 5 lines
<%= f.text_area  :Column name,rows:'5' class: 'form-control' %>

 #Initial value of input box
  #If you do not type anything, it will be "Please enter"
<%= f.text_area  :Column name,placeholder:“Enter” class: 'form-control' %>

When writing a nested model on a form

In the following, as an example, the case where @book_comment is nested in @book is shown.

Author's tweet If you take a closer look at form_with, you can see that no URL is specified. (Although it is possible to specify.) In other words, the URL is issued based on the "model: @ book" part. If nested, the URL will be something like "/ book/3/book_comment". To help you understand this For example, do I have to tell form_with the existence of @book at the same time when posting @book_comment?


<%= form_with(model:[@book, @book_comment], local: true) do |f| %>
radio button


<label><%= f.radio_button :feeling, "good" %>s good</label>
<label><%= f.radio_button :feeling, "numb" %>Numbness</label>
<label><%= f.radio_button :feeling, "bad" %>bad</label>

<%= :feeling, [["good","good"],["numb","Numbness"],["bad","bad"]] %>



<%= f.number_field :age %>

hidden_field specifies the key to be stored in params and stores the value you want to put in it. I've heard a lot of freedom. If you look at params in binding.pry, you can see what's going on right away.


<%= f.hidden_field :user, :value => %>

link_to Mainly ** show, destroy, edit ** link templates


  #Destroy (with confirmation message)
<%= link_to 'Destroy', book_path(@book), method: :delete, data: { confirm: 'Do you really want to erase it?' }, class: "btn btn-sm btn-danger destroy_book_#{}"%>

Partial template

If you have a partial template in the same location as this view file, you can use'form' In the partial template, use book. At the end is the work of passing a value to @ book => book.


<%= render 'book/form', book: @book %>



redirect_to book_path
redirect_to request.referer

Strong parameters


def book_params
  params.require(:book).permit(:name, :price, :opinion)



validates :title, presence: true

Building a one-to-many relationship


class User < ApplicationRecord
    has_many :posts

class Post < ApplicationRecord
    belongs_to :user

Each statement and Table

In the following example, the list page of Book is taken as an example.

Author's tweet There is no problem if you write as follows. I want to be aware of whether I can name it myself or I have to name it based on the model. In other words, @ ebifry = Book.all also holds true.


    <% @books.each do |ebifry| %>
    <% end %>


<table class='table table-hover table-inverse'>
       <th>Book title</th>
       <th>Impressions of the book</th>

     <%  @books.each do |book|  %>
     <% end %>


If you want to add an edit button or delete button for each book


<td>book.opinion</td>Also below, insert the following:
<%= link_to 'Destroy', book_path(book), method: :delete, data: { confirm: 'Do you really want to erase it?' }, class: "btn btn-sm btn-danger destroy_book_#{}"%>

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