Will you replace Docker? Next-generation container management tools Podman and Buildah


Speaking of containers, the two words are so closely related that Docker can think of them. However, Docker is not included as standard in the 8 series, which is the latest version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) developed by Red Hat, and it is no longer supported. Docker was designed to include all the functions of Docker Daemon, and it was convenient to push and pull Docker images, manage storage, etc., but there were also problems. The following two points are particularly large.

--Demon needs to be started and will stop functioning if the process goes down --The container must be started with root privileges, and if there are vulnerabilities or improper settings, the privileges may be stolen.

Several new container tools have been developed to address this issue. These are Podman and Buildah, which I will introduce this time. Red Hat's official reference is the most detailed for this information, but I wanted to make an article about the results of learning by touching myself.

What is Podman

Podman is a tool that manages the stop and start of pods locally without using Kubernetes. 6be7d7353415417e558a1aa7f0ca966a.png It has the following features. --No need to start Daemon (Daemonless) --Pod can be started by a general user who does not require root authority (Rootless mode) --Images built with Docker can be booted with Podman (OCI Compatible)

In addition, Podman is compatible with Docker and the command line, and the same usage as docker command can be realized with podman command. However, some docker options have been removed, so they are not fully compatible. (Reference [See Chapter 8 Command Line for Containers](https://access.redhat.com/documentation/ja-jp/red_hat_enterprise_linux/8/html/building_running_and_managing_containers/container-command-line-reference_building-running-and- managing-containers)))

What is Buidah

Buidalh is a tool that builds an OCI compliant container image and pushes it to the registry. d08a2c27315e8830e4a200b19fb0f9f7.png

Although there are some overlaps with Podman in terms of functionality, Buildah has only the minimum functionality required to build a container image, and its functionality is limited. It has the following features.

--Daemon is not used --Container image can be built from scratch (empty) image --The image does not include build tools and the image size is small

Since it is possible to build a scratch image, it is possible to get a container image that is even lighter than getting the image from the official repository. (Example: Insert the RHEL package from the scratch image and add Apache, etc.) Of course, you can also build the image from the Dockerfile. I briefly explained the two tools, so I would like to install them on the actual machine and experience them.

Various environmental tools

Red Hat's Official Page is the best way to understand how to install and how to use various tools. It seems easy, so basically I would like to verify various things along with this.

Various installations and initial settings

You can install them one by one, but if you have a Red Hat Linux distribution, you can install them all at once by using this command.

# yum(dnf) module install -y container-tools

Increase user namespace

A namespace is a function that exists for various types of resources that exist in the system and makes the processes to which they belong appear to be apparently independent resources. I'm still learning, so I can't explain in detail, but the user namespace will show independent user id and group id. For details, please refer to the "Try and Understand Linux Mechanism Corner" in the July issue of Software Design in 2020. (https://gihyo.jp/magazine/SD/archive/2020/202007) Let's get back to it and increase its namespace with the following command:

# echo "user.max_user_namespaces=28633" > /etc/sysctl.d/userns.conf
# sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.d/userns.conf

In this state, make it a non-root user and make sure that you can get the image with podman.

$ podman pull registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi
$ podman run registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi cat /etc/os-release
NAME="Red Hat Enterprise Linux"
VERSION="8.2 (Ootpa)"
PRETTY_NAME="Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.2 (Ootpa)"
REDHAT_BUGZILLA_PRODUCT="Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8"
REDHAT_SUPPORT_PRODUCT="Red Hat Enterprise Linux"

I got the Universal Base Images (UBI) provided by Red Hat and started the container from the image. The OS version information of the container is referenced by cat / etc / os-release for the started container. I was able to confirm that I can run podman as a non-root user and operate the container. Next, we will explain various operations.

Image search and pull

Image search is hit with podman search <image name>.

$ podman search node
INDEX        NAME                                                                                  DESCRIPTION                                       STARS   OFFICIAL   AUTOMATED
redhat.com   registry.access.redhat.com/openshift3/node                                            Provides a containerized OpenShift Node with...   0    
redhat.com   registry.access.redhat.com/openshift3/prometheus-node-exporter                        Prometheus exporter for hardware and OS metr...   0    
redhat.com   registry.access.redhat.com/codeready-workspaces/stacks-node                           Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces - Node Stack co...   0    
redhat.com   registry.access.redhat.com/rhel7/kubernetes-scheduler                                 The Kubernetes scheduler watches for new un-...   0    
redhat.com   registry.access.redhat.com/openshift3/metrics-hawkular-openshift-agent                Hawkular OpenShift Agent is a Hawkular feed ...   0    
redhat.com   registry.access.redhat.com/openshift3/ose-node-problem-detector                       Node Problem Detector monitors OpenShift nod...   0    
redhat.com   registry.access.redhat.com/openshift3/ose-metrics-heapster                            Retrieves container and node metrics from an...   0    
redhat.com   registry.access.redhat.com/openshift3/metrics-heapster                                Retrieves container and node metrics from an...   0    
redhat.com   registry.access.redhat.com/openshift3/ose-keepalived-ipfailover                       Optional Pod providing keepalived support fo...   0    
redhat.com   registry.access.redhat.com/openshift3/ose-metrics-hawkular-openshift-agent            Hawkular OpenShift Agent is a Hawkular feed ...   0    
redhat.com   registry.access.redhat.com/openshift3/ose-node                                        Provides a containerized OpenShift Node with...   0    
redhat.com   registry.access.redhat.com/amqstreams-1/amqstreams10-kafkaconnect-openshift           AMQ Streams image for running an Apache Kafk...   0    
redhat.io    registry.redhat.io/openshift3/node                                                    Provides a containerized OpenShift Node with...   0    
redhat.io    registry.redhat.io/openshift4/ose-prometheus-node-exporter                            Prometheus exporter for hardware and OS metr...   0    
redhat.io    registry.redhat.io/openshift4/ose-cluster-node-tuning-operator                        'OpenShift Node Tuning Operator'                  0    
redhat.io    registry.redhat.io/openshift4/ose-node                                                'OpenShift Container Platform Node'               0    
redhat.io    registry.redhat.io/openshift3/prometheus-node-exporter                                Prometheus exporter for hardware and OS metr...   0    
redhat.io    registry.redhat.io/openshift4/ose-csi-node-driver-registrar                           CSI Node Driver Registar                          0    
redhat.io    registry.redhat.io/openshift4/ose-node-feature-discovery                              Node Feature Discovery Container Image            0    
redhat.io    registry.redhat.io/openshift4/ose-cluster-nfd-operator                                Node Feature Discovery (NFD) Operator             0    
redhat.io    registry.redhat.io/codeready-workspaces/stacks-node                                   Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces - Node Stack co...   0    
redhat.io    registry.redhat.io/codeready-workspaces/stacks-node-rhel8                             Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces - Node 10 Stack      0    
redhat.io    registry.redhat.io/codeready-workspaces/plugin-java8-rhel8                            Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces - Java 8 plugin...   0    
redhat.io    registry.redhat.io/rhel7/kubernetes-scheduler                                         The Kubernetes scheduler watches for new un-...   0    
redhat.io    registry.redhat.io/openshift3/metrics-hawkular-openshift-agent                        Hawkular OpenShift Agent is a Hawkular feed ...   0    
redhat.io    registry.redhat.io/openshift3/ose-node-problem-detector                               Node Problem Detector monitors OpenShift nod...   0    
redhat.io    registry.redhat.io/openshift3/ose-metrics-heapster                                    Retrieves container and node metrics from an...   0    
redhat.io    registry.redhat.io/openshift3/metrics-heapster                                        Retrieves container and node metrics from an...   0    
redhat.io    registry.redhat.io/openshift3/ose-metrics-hawkular-openshift-agent                    Hawkular OpenShift Agent is a Hawkular feed ...   0    
redhat.io    registry.redhat.io/openshift3/ose-keepalived-ipfailover                               Optional Pod providing keepalived support fo...   0    
redhat.io    registry.redhat.io/container-native-virtualization/node-maintenance-operator          Red Hat Container Native Virtualization imag...   0    
redhat.io    registry.redhat.io/openshift3/ose-node                                                Provides a containerized OpenShift Node with...   0    
redhat.io    registry.redhat.io/amqstreams-1/amqstreams10-kafkaconnect-openshift                   AMQ Streams image for running an Apache Kafk...   0    
redhat.io    registry.redhat.io/openshift4/ose-cluster-machine-approver                            'Validates and approves CSRs for nodes attem...   0    
redhat.io    registry.redhat.io/container-native-virtiualization/node-maintenance-rhel8-operator   Red Hat Container Native Virtualization imag...   0    
redhat.io    registry.redhat.io/openshift4/ose-ptp                                                 Linuxptp daemonset to apply ptp configuratio...   0    
redhat.io    registry.redhat.io/container-native-virtualization/kubevirt-cpu-node-labeller         Red Hat Container Native Virtualization imag...   0    
docker.io    docker.io/library/node                                                                Node.js is a JavaScript-based platform for s...   9152    [OK]
docker.io    docker.io/nodered/node-red-docker                                                     Deprecated - older Node-RED Docker images.        351                [OK]
docker.io    docker.io/bitnami/node                                                                Bitnami Node.js Docker Image                      45                 [OK]
docker.io    docker.io/appsvc/node                                                                 Azure App Service Node.js dockerfiles             14                 [OK]
docker.io    docker.io/circleci/node                                                               Node.js is a JavaScript-based platform for s...   110  
docker.io    docker.io/prom/node-exporter                                                                                                            193                [OK]
docker.io    docker.io/calico/node                                                                 Calico's per-host DaemonSet container image....   19                 [OK]
docker.io    docker.io/library/mongo-express                                                       Web-based MongoDB admin interface, written w...   754     [OK]
docker.io    docker.io/iron/node                                                                   Tiny Node image                                   29   
docker.io    docker.io/bitnami/node-exporter                                                       Bitnami Node Exporter Docker Image                2                  [OK]
docker.io    docker.io/kkarczmarczyk/node-yarn                                                     Node docker image with yarn package manager ...   48                 [OK]
docker.io    docker.io/nodered/node-red                                                            Low-code programming for event-driven applic...   175  
docker.io    docker.io/nodecg/nodecg                                                               Create broadcast graphics using Node.js and ...   1                  [OK]
docker.io    docker.io/selenium/node-chrome                                                                                                          213                [OK]
docker.io    docker.io/appsvctest/node                                                             node build                                        0                  [OK]
docker.io    docker.io/library/iojs                                                                io.js is an npm compatible platform original...   135     [OK]
docker.io    docker.io/camptocamp/node-collectd                                                    rancher node monitoring agent                     0                  [OK]
docker.io    docker.io/ppc64le/node                                                                Node.js is a JavaScript-based platform for s...   2    
docker.io    docker.io/testim/node-chrome                                                          Selenium Chrome Node + Testim Extension           0                  [OK]
docker.io    docker.io/digitallyseamless/nodejs-bower-grunt                                         Node.js w/ Bower & Grunt Dockerfile for tru...   48                 [OK]
docker.io    docker.io/cusspvz/node                                                                ? Super small Node.js container (~15MB) b...      8                  [OK]
docker.io    docker.io/ogazitt/node-env                                                            node app that shows environment variables         2    
docker.io    docker.io/basi/node-exporter                                                          Node exporter image that allows to expose th...   8                  [OK]
docker.io    docker.io/selenium/node-firefox                                                                                                         136                [OK]
docker.io    docker.io/tarampampam/node                                                            Docker image, based on node, with some addit...   2                  [OK]

You can filter only images whose distributor is official with --filter = is-official.

$ podman search node --filter=is-official
INDEX       NAME                              DESCRIPTION                                       STARS   OFFICIAL   AUTOMATED
docker.io   docker.io/library/node            Node.js is a JavaScript-based platform for s...   9152    [OK]
docker.io   docker.io/library/mongo-express   Web-based MongoDB admin interface, written w...   757     [OK]
docker.io   docker.io/library/iojs            io.js is an npm compatible platform original...   135     [OK]

And like Docker, you can bring the image locally with podman pull <image name>.

$ podman pull docker.io/library/node
Trying to pull docker.io/library/node...
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob de30e8b35015 done
Copying blob 419e7ae5bb1e done
Copying blob 7ec8a0667334 done
Copying blob 848839e0cd3b done
~~~~~ Omitted ~~~~~~~~
$ podman images
REPOSITORY                            TAG      IMAGE ID       CREATED       SIZE
docker.io/library/node                latest   784e696f5060   2 weeks ago   972 MB

The podman container image is stored on Red Hat's official website. https://catalog.redhat.com/software/containers/explore)

Start container

Like docker, podman can start a container with podman run.

$ podman run -it --rm node bash
root@cc0bf2c6cc65:/# cat /etc/os-release 
PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)"
NAME="Debian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="9 (stretch)"

Build image

You can build the image with the buildah command, and you can also build the Dockerfile with the buildah bud command. (There is an official Tutorial, so please refer to that) By the way, you can also display the list of images pulled by podman with buildah images.

$ podman images
REPOSITORY                                    TAG      IMAGE ID       CREATED          SIZE
localhost/johndoe/webserver                   latest   6d36abc8f72f   24 minutes ago   245 MB
registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi           latest   a1f8c9699786   5 weeks ago      211 MB
registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi-minimal   latest   86c870596572   5 weeks ago      146 MB

$ buildah images
REPOSITORY                                    TAG      IMAGE ID       CREATED          SIZE
localhost/johndoe/webserver                   latest   6d36abc8f72f   24 minutes ago   245 MB
registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi           latest   a1f8c9699786   5 weeks ago      211 MB
registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi-minimal   latest   86c870596572   5 weeks ago      146 MB

Build with the buildah command for the Dockerfile that has the following configuration.

# ls
Dockerfile  myecho
# cat Dockerfile
FROM registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi:latest
ADD myecho /usr/local/bin
ENTRYPOINT "/usr/local/bin/myecho"
# cat myecho
echo "This container works!"
# chmod 755 myecho
# ./myecho
This container works!

After creating the Dockerfile, run the buildah bud -t fedora-httpd . command. The image is built according to the statements in the file. Let's run the container when the build is complete.

$ buildah  images
REPOSITORY                            TAG      IMAGE ID       CREATED          SIZE
localhost/myecho-container            latest   5098f73df28e   50 seconds ago   211 MB
$ podman run localhost/myecho-container
This container works!

As an aside, in the buildah tutorial, it seems that you can start the container with buildah run, but it failed.

$ buildah run localhost/myecho-container
command must be specified
ERRO exit status 1                 

Delete container, image

Like docker, you can delete containers and images with the rm option.

$ podman ps -a
CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                                       COMMAND        CREATED        STATUS                         PORTS                 NAMES
06a79ab009f3  registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi:latest  /bin/bash      3 minutes ago  Exited (1) About a minute ago                        mystifying_jepsen
e8a1c6fbc91f  localhost/johndoe/webserver:latest          -D FOREGROUND  29 hours ago   Exited (135) 28 hours ago>80/tcp  agitated_morse
$ podman rm e8a1c6fbc91f
$ podman ps -a
CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                                       COMMAND        CREATED        STATUS                    PORTS                 NAMES
06a79ab009f3  registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi:latest  /bin/bash      4 minutes ago  Exited (1) 3 minutes ago                        mystifying_jepsen

Images can be deleted with the rmi option as well.

$ podman images
REPOSITORY                                    TAG      IMAGE ID       CREATED        SIZE
localhost/johndoe/webserver                   latest   6d36abc8f72f   29 hours ago   245 MB
registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi           latest   a1f8c9699786   5 weeks ago    211 MB
registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi-minimal   latest   86c870596572   5 weeks ago    146 MB
docker.io/library/fedora                      latest   a368cbcfa678   7 weeks ago    189 MB

$ podman rmi docker.io/library/fedora
Untagged: docker.io/library/fedora:latest
Deleted: a368cbcfa6789bc347345f6d19132afe138b62ff5373d2aa5f37120277c90b54
$ podman rmi 86c870596572
Untagged: registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi-minimal:latest
Deleted: 86c870596572a5b4fe016f4fb7ae9d181e88df6ac91d2cb15250c5e053cfad15

$ podman images
REPOSITORY                            TAG      IMAGE ID       CREATED        SIZE
localhost/johndoe/webserver           latest   6d36abc8f72f   29 hours ago   245 MB
registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi   latest   a1f8c9699786   5 weeks ago    211 MB

Creating a Kube pod yaml file

Another feature of Podman is that you can use podman generate to create Kubernetes pods files. Run mariadb's container process to output Kubernetes yaml with the `podman generate'command, then drop it into a file.

$ podman run -d -e MYSQL_USER=user -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=pass \
>      -e MYSQL_DATABASE=db -p 3306:3306 --name mymariadb rhscl/mariadb-102-rhel7
Trying to pull registry.access.redhat.com/rhscl/mariadb-102-rhel7...
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob 9e7a6dc796f0 done
Copying blob e7021e0589e9 done
Copying blob fc5b206e9329 [======================================] 72.7MiB / 72.7MiB
Copying blob 98b39311ee6a done
Copying config 5ca39d258f done
Writing manifest to image destination
Storing signatures

$ podman ps -a
CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                                                      COMMAND     CREATED         STATUS             PORTS                   NAMES
8e994c65e7a2  registry.access.redhat.com/rhscl/mariadb-102-rhel7:latest  run-mysqld  41 seconds ago  Up 40 seconds ago>3306/tcp  mymariadb

$ podman generate kube mymariadb > mymariadbkube.yaml
# Generation of Kubernetes YAML is still under development!
# Save the output of this file and use kubectl create -f to import
# it into Kubernetes.
# Created with podman-1.9.3
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  creationTimestamp: "2020-08-29T05:37:11Z"
    app: mymariadb
  name: mymariadb
  - command:
    - run-mysqld
    - name: PATH
      value: /opt/app-root/src/bin:/opt/app-root/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
    - name: TERM
      value: xterm
    - name: HOSTNAME
    - name: container
      value: oci
    - name: STI_SCRIPTS_URL
      value: image:///usr/libexec/s2i
    - name: MYSQL_PASSWORD
      value: pass
      value: rh-mariadb102
    - name: PROMPT_COMMAND
      value: . /usr/share/container-scripts/mysql/scl_enable
    - name: HOME
      value: /var/lib/mysql
    - name: ENV
      value: /usr/share/container-scripts/mysql/scl_enable
    - name: PLATFORM
      value: el7
    - name: STI_SCRIPTS_PATH
      value: /usr/libexec/s2i
    - name: MYSQL_USER
      value: user
    - name: MYSQL_DATABASE
      value: db
    - name: DESCRIPTION
      value: MariaDB is a multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database server. The container
        image provides a containerized packaging of the MariaDB mysqld daemon and
        client application. The mysqld server daemon accepts connections from clients
        and provides access to content from MariaDB databases on behalf of the clients.
    - name: SUMMARY
      value: MariaDB 10.2 SQL database server
    - name: APP_ROOT
      value: /opt/app-root
    - name: MYSQL_PREFIX
      value: /opt/rh/rh-mariadb102/root/usr
    - name: APP_DATA
      value: /opt/app-root/src
    - name: BASH_ENV
      value: /usr/share/container-scripts/mysql/scl_enable
      value: /usr/share/container-scripts/mysql
    - name: MYSQL_VERSION
      value: "10.2"
    image: registry.access.redhat.com/rhscl/mariadb-102-rhel7:latest
    name: mymariadb
    - containerPort: 3306
      hostPort: 3306
      protocol: TCP
    resources: {}
      allowPrivilegeEscalation: true
      capabilities: {}
      privileged: false
      readOnlyRootFilesystem: false
      runAsGroup: 27
      runAsUser: 27
      seLinuxOptions: {}
    workingDir: /opt/app-root/src
status: {}

After that, you can create Pods for this yaml file with the kubectl command. kubectl create -f mymariadbkube.yaml


I explained the operation of various tools. These two commands are tools that work inside Ansible-bender introduced in the next article, and you can create a container image with Ansible. You will be able to do it. I haven't heard much about Podman and Buildah yet, but I think it will be attracting attention as a container management tool to replace Docker in the future, so I would like to deepen my understanding and touch it firmly.

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