[Docker] When you enter the db container and look at the data, Japanese is displayed as ???

Environment: Mac Laravel 6.x series    Mariadb

https://qiita.com/n_oshiumi/items/cfe91c60730f602b38eb I referred to this article, but in my case the following error occurred and I could not solve it.

E: Unable to locate package language-pack-ja-base
E: Unable to locate package language-pack-ja

So I searched for the above error and finally arrived at the following article. https://www.atmarkit.co.jp/ait/articles/1806/28/news043.html

In conclusion, [language-pack-ja-base] and others can be installed by doing [apt update] first.

root # apt update
root # apt-get install language-pack-ja-base language-pack-ja

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