[RUBY] Moved to anyenv! (Manage rbenv and nodenv with anyenv)


The reason for introducing anyenv is that I wanted to change the management of ruby ​​from rbenv to the format of installing rbenv via anyenv. I also switched the version control of Node.js from nodebrew to nodenv. This way you can keep your files clean as you only have to put the path of anyenv in .zshrc (.bash_profile for those who use bash).

Install nodenv via anyenv

Uninstall Node.js once

I referred to this article . I also removed the packages that were globally installed with rm -rf .npm -global. Here I also referred to the article .

Introduced anyenv

I will install it with brew.

$ brew install anyenv
$ echo 'eval "$(anyenv init -)"' >> ~/.zshrc
$ exec $SHELL -l
$ anyenv install nodenv
$ exec $SHELL -l

Change the part of ~/.zshrc according to the shell you are using. That's it!

Installation of plugins

anyenv-update This provides a command called anyenv update that allows you to update ~ env including nodenv in bulk.

$ mkdir -p $(anyenv root)/plugins
$ git clone https://github.com/znz/anyenv-update.git $(anyenv root)/plugins/anyenv-update

The location of $ anyenv root is directly under your home directory.

$ anyenv root  

Below is my example when I run the anyenv update command.

$ anyenv update
Skipping 'anyenv'; not git repo
Updating 'anyenv/anyenv-update'...
Updating 'nodenv'...
Updating 'nodenv/node-build'...
Updating 'nodenv/nodenv-default-packages'...
Updating 'nodenv/nodenv-vars'...
Updating 'rbenv'...
Updating 'rbenv/ruby-build'...
Updating 'tfenv'...
Updating 'anyenv manifest directory'...


It is a nodenv plugin that allows you to specify anyenv-update of the anyenv plugin and the packages to be installed together by default when installing npm.

$ mkdir -p $(anyenv root)/plugins
$ git clone https://github.com/znz/anyenv-update.git $(anyenv root)/plugins/anyenv-update
$ mkdir -p "$(nodenv root)"/plugins
$ git clone https://github.com/nodenv/nodenv-default-packages.git "$(nodenv root)/plugins/nodenv-default-packages"
$ touch $(nodenv root)/default-packages

Specify the packages you want to install in the contents of default-packages



Install Node.js with nodenv

$ nodenv install -l
$ nodenv install 15.4.0
$ nodenv global 15.4.0

I have installed the latest 15.4.0. Now, if you type node -v and the installed version is included, you are successful!

Install rbenv via anyenv

Details of rbenv are summarized in this article . As with the installation of nodenv, you need to uninstall rbenv once.

Uninstall rbenv

I referred to this article .

Install rbenv again

$ anyenv install rbenv
$ rbenv install 2.6.5
$ rbenv global 2.6.5

Please change the version as appropriate. that's all!

Supplement: When it is said that the rails command cannot be found

I also deleted the rails command, so I reinstalled it.

$ gem install bundler
$ gem install rails --version='6.0.0'

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