Countermeasures for "Unable to get upper directory" error when using Deep Learning ② created from scratch with spyder of ANACONDA

When dealing with Python with ANACONDA's Spyder, especially in "Deep Learning from scratch ②" When an error occurs in the code below, the error has been resolved by taking measures like this.

sys.path.append ('..') # Settings for importing files in the parent directory

In this case, click PYTHONPATH manager from the python tab in the upper left of Spyder in ANACONDA. ![Screenshot 2020-02-20 18.29.34.png]( 341c8e88cfb9.png)

After that, I was able to solve it by entering the upper directory. スクリーンショット 2020-02-20 18.29.43.png

It's wonderful to be able to do this easily.

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