[JAVA] TERASOLUNA 5.x article summary page

TERASOLUNA 5.x article summary page

0. Overview, explanation, etc.

TERASOLUNA 5.x in 5 minutes!

In order to explain the whole picture of TERASOLUNA 5.x, I have summarized the outline that I will explain each time in the training as an article of Qiita.

Overview of JUnit test of TERASOLUNA 5.x (= SpringMVC + MyBatis)

Introducing the outline of the JUnit test in the TERASOLUNA 5.x (= SpringMVC + MyBatis) app, which is explained in the in-house training.

1. Coding

How to define multiple login screens in Spring Security

This section describes how to define multiple login screens in Spring Security.

ROLE_ prefix of spring-security and operation of authorization process

There was a topic about whether to give the ROLE_ prefix to the Spring Security role, so I looked it up. As a result, the operation changes depending on whether or not it is granted. Personally, it is troublesome to use them properly, so I came to the conclusion that they should be given uniformly.

How to realize huge file download with TERASOLUNA 5.x (= Spring MVC)

This section describes how to download a large data file with TERASOLUNA 5.x (= Spring MVC). If the data size is small, you don't have to worry about it, but if it is large, you need to be careful about server resources.

How to realize huge file upload with TERASOLUNA 5.x (= Spring MVC)

This section describes how to upload a large data size file with TERASOLUNA 5.x (= Spring MVC).

How to realize huge file download with Rest Template of Spring

I will explain how to download a huge file using RestTemplate of Spring Framework. The point is to use Response Extractor.

How to realize huge file upload with Rest Template of Spring

I will explain how to upload a huge file using RestTemplate of Spring Framework. The point is to use RequestCallback.

2. How to make a project

How to change a blank project of TERASOLUNA 5.x to support PostgreSQL

Since the initial state of the blank project of TERASOLUNA 5.x is h2db of the in-memory database, we will explain how to change it to use PostgreSQL.

How to remove Tiles from TERASOLUNA 5.x blank project

The template engine Tiles is enabled in the TERASOLUNA 5.x blank project, so here's how to remove them.

3. How to use the tool

Maven commands to remember in TERASOLUNA 5.x

This section describes Maven commands that you should remember, which are often used in TERASOLUNA 5.x web application development. Since it is a general Maven command, it works on other than TERASOLUNA 5.x.

How to statically analyze TERASOLUNA 5.x app with SonarQube

Learn how to statically analyze TERASOLUNA 5.x apps with SonarQube.

4. Environment construction

How to build a Maven repository NEXUS server on Windows

Describes how to build a Maven repository NEXUS server on Windows. For large projects, we recommend using Maven via the NEXUS server instead of Proxy.

How to install Maven (via Proxy / via NEXUS) on Windows

Learn how to install Maven on Windows. Maven also explains how to access the Internet via a Proxy or NEXUS server.

How to install SonarQube for PostgreSQL on Windows

Describes how to install a SonarQube server for static source code analysis on Windows. Since the initial state of SonarQube is h2db of in-memory database, we will explain how to change it to use PostgreSQL.

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