Ruby cherry book review

what's this

This is an article that summarizes the memos when I read the Cherry book.

Bocchi operator "&."

If the variable (receiver) is nil, it returns nil, and if it is not nil, the processing on the right side is executed. It can be written concisely when used when it is uncertain whether the variable has a value or nil.

user = ‘suga’
p user&.upcase #=> SUGA

user = nil
p user&.upcase #=> nil

By the way, if you use the upcase method for nil as it is, the following error will occur.

user = nil
p usesr.upcase

undefined method `upcase' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
#NoMethodError: no upcase method defined for nil object in NilClass

ruby seems to be a culture that puts a comma at the end of the array

Unlike json, it doesn't manage strictly, so it seems to put a comma at the end of the array. It's like, "It doesn't matter which one you put a comma on = let's put it on!"

array = [

Expand the hash with **

h={hoge: 'hoge', piyo: 'piyo'}
p a = { fuga: 'fuga', **h } #=> {:fuga=>"fuga", :hoge=>"hoge", :piyo=>"piyo"}

Use "&: method" when processing arrays in sequence

You can take a block as an argument by using proc inside

a = ['a','b','c']

Arrays that may be passed nil can be processed by defining an Array class like Array (users) and passing a variable as an argument. In case of nil, [] is returned


This is often seen in source code such as rails. I will forget it every time, so I will write it as a memorandum. The following have the same meaning. The advantage is that it can be omitted.

test = nil
p test ||= 'hoge' #=> ‘hoge’

p #=> nil
p || ( = true) #=> true

test = nil
if test.nil?
  p 'hoge'
  p test
end #=> ‘hoge’
test = 'fugaaaaaaaaaaaa’
p test ||= 'hoge’ #=> ‘fugaaaaaaaaaaaa’

test = 'fugaaaaaaaaaaaa’
if test.nil?
  p 'hoge'
  p test
end #=> ‘fugaaaaaaaaaaaa’

any? method

Returns true if one or more conditions are met

array_and_nil = [1, 2, nil, nil, 5]
p array_and_nil.any?(&:nil?) #=> true
require 'active_support/all'

hoge = nil
def piyo(hoge)
  hoge || return
piyo(hoge) #=> nil

You can avoid double for statements. But it seems difficult to use

tx = %w(1 2 3 4 5)
ty = %w(a b c d e)

for point in tx.product(ty)

&: Code like below. You can omit the block to pass.

Conditions that can do this

    1. Only one block argument
  1. The method you call inside the block has no arguments
    1. There is no processing other than calling the method once in the block argument

attr_accessor I personally read the name as an attribute accessor. People around me may say that they are accessors

To put it simply, the role is that you can write the following code in one line

  def name

  def name=(name)
    @name = name

The above 6 lines of code become the next 1 line

  attr_accessor :name

How to call a class method from an instance

self.class. [Class method]

class User
  def self.self_
    p 'self'
  def instance_
a =
a.instance_ #=> 'self'

Overwrite method after creating alias for existing method ➡️ prepare?

A singular method (also called a singleton object) that connects only to a specific object

hoge = 'hoge'
def hoge.hello
  p 'hoge!'
hoge.hello #=> 'hoge!'

include allows module methods to be called from an instance. make extend a class method

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