"I've used it somehow, but what's new in the latest version?"
"I like the details, so just give me an overview!"
Please read this article like that and get a little more detailed.
Java 9 Spring Framework 5 Spring WebFlux Spring Boot 2.0 Kotlin JUnit 5
Java 9 --2017.9.22 release --The default date / currency format has changed [JEP252] -@Deprecated has been expanded and the amount of information has increased [JEP277] --Variable Handles [JEP193] is now available as an alternative, as some reflections will be banned in the future. --Project Jigsaw excludes some prominent classes from the default classpath [JEP261] (javax.transaction, javax.rmi.CORBA, javax.annotation)
Spring Framework 5 --Java 8 required, Java 9 compatible --Spring Framework 4 Deprecated class removed --Supports part of Java EE 8 (Bean Validation 2.0, JSON Binding API, etc.) --Supports Spring Web Flux, one of the Reactive Programming Models --Spring TestContext Framework now supports JUnit 5
Spring WebFlux --Reactor-based HTTP API to replace Spring MVC --Do not use Servlet at all --Asynchronous execution --Non-blocking
Spring Boot 2.0 --Scheduled to be released on November 20, 2017 --Java 8 required --Spring Framework 5 Required --spring-boot-starter-webflux has been added --Actuator endpoints aggregated in / application
Kotlin --Language developed by JetBrains, the developer of IntelliJ IDEA --It runs on the JVM, and of course IntelliJ IDEA is also supported. --IntelliJ IDEA based Android Studio is also supported --In Eclipse, it is supported by a plug-in --What you can write in Java can be written in Kotlin --Simpler than Java
JUnit 5(Jupiter) --Java 8 required --Use JUnit Vintage to run old test code as it is not API compatible with JUnit 4 and below --Annotation has changed
Junit 4 or less | JUnit5 |
@Before/@After |
@BeforeEach/@AfterEach |
@BeforeClass/@AfterClass |
@BeforeAll/@AfterAll |
@Ignore |
@Disabled |
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