[JAVA] Easily monitor the indoor environment-⑦ Summarize in a simple tool-


In a series of articles, I have briefly introduced the Java library created to obtain general environmental information and operation information of industrial automation equipment. It is as follows when organized.

-BLE Advertised Signal Scan (using bluez-dbus) -CC2650 --Temperature (object, ambient), humidity, illuminance, barometric pressure, motion (angular velocity, acceleration, magnetism) ([bluez-dbus](https:: //github.com/hypfvieh/bluez-dbus) used) -MH-Z19B --CO2 concentration (using jSerialComm) -PPD42ND --PM2.5 concentration (using Pi4J) -OPC-UA --Industrial automation equipment operation information (using Eclipse Milo)

A simple tool (** rainy) that acquires and monitors these data and puts in a mechanism to use the acquired data for other purposes. **). I put Java in Raspberry Pi 3B and run it on Apache Felix (OSGi framework). ** rainy ** built and put together in a tool is published as ** rainy-felix.zip ** here ** I am.

The outline image of ** rainy ** is as follows. rainy_overview_0_jp.png In addition, the following image is a configuration in which the monitoring function coexists on the same Raspberry Pi 3B. rainy_overview_2_jp.png The equipment used is as follows. rainy_hardware_1.png The devices for connecting to the MH-Z19B with a USB serial communication adapter are as follows. rainy_hardware_0.png This article is almost the same as Github here.

table of contents

Purpose The purpose of this tool ** rainy ** is as follows.

--Obtain general environmental information and operation information of industrial automation equipment indoors (private / office / factory). --Monitor these data in near real time and make them available for other purposes. --Run as a Java / OSGi application on a Raspberry Pi 3B (arm) and Ubuntu machine (amd64).

I think ** rainy ** is not enough in function and performance for official operation, but I think it is a compact and easy-to-try tool.

OS setup For setup to run ** rainy ** on Raspberry Pi 3B, [here](https://qiita.com/s5uishida/items/1759498f8f706c4c3314) and [here](https://qiita.com/ Please refer to s5uishida / items / 4ae7784aeaf50df1e3d3). You can use the built-in Bluetooth of Raspberry Pi 3B and serial communication (UART) at the same time.

Data transmission setup ** rainy ** supports InfluxDB and MQTT brokers to send data to.

Install and start InfluxDB I'm using [InfluxDB](https://www.influxdata.com/) with an Ubuntu 18.04 virtual machine. For the installation procedure, refer to [here](https://portal.influxdata.com/downloads/).
# wget https://dl.influxdata.com/influxdb/releases/influxdb_1.7.8_amd64.deb
# dpkg -i influxdb_1.7.8_amd64.deb
# systemctl enable influxdb.service
# systemctl start influxdb.service

The procedure to install InfluxDB on Rasbperry Pi 3B is as follows.

# wget https://dl.influxdata.com/influxdb/releases/influxdb_1.7.8_armhf.deb
# dpkg -i influxdb_1.7.8_armhf.deb
# systemctl enable influxdb.service
# systemctl start influxdb.service

Install and start Mosquitto (MQTT broker) I am using [Mosquitto](https://mosquitto.org/) (MQTT broker) in an Ubuntu 18.04 virtual machine. The installation procedure is as follows.
# apt-get update
# apt-get install mosquitto
# apt-get install mosquitto-clients
# systemctl enable mosquitto.service
# systemctl start mosquitto.service

The procedure for installing Mosquitto on the Rasbperry Pi 3B is the same.

Visualization tool setup

Install and start Grafana I'm using [Grafana](https://grafana.com/) in my Ubuntu 18.04 virtual machine. For the installation procedure, refer to [here](https://grafana.com/grafana/download?platform=linux).
# wget https://dl.grafana.com/oss/release/grafana_6.3.4_amd64.deb
# dpkg -i grafana_6.3.4_amd64.deb
# systemctl enable grafana-server.service
# systemctl start grafana-server.service

The procedure to install Grafana on Rasbperry Pi 3B is as follows.

# wget https://dl.grafana.com/oss/release/grafana_6.3.4_armhf.deb
# dpkg -i grafana_6.3.4_armhf.deb
# systemctl enable grafana-server.service
# systemctl start grafana-server.service

Install and start Chronograf I am using [Chronograf](https://www.influxdata.com/time-series-platform/chronograf/) in my Ubuntu 18.04 virtual machine. For the installation procedure, refer to [here](https://portal.influxdata.com/downloads/).
# wget https://dl.influxdata.com/chronograf/releases/chronograf_1.7.14_amd64.deb
# dpkg -i chronograf_1.7.14_amd64.deb
# systemctl enable chronograf.service
# systemctl start chronograf.service

The procedure to install Chronograf on Rasbperry Pi 3B is as follows.

# wget https://dl.influxdata.com/chronograf/releases/chronograf_1.7.14_armhf.deb
# dpkg -i chronograf_1.7.14_armhf.deb
# systemctl enable chronograf.service
# systemctl start chronograf.service

HTTPS connection confirmation with self-signed certificate In general, it is not recommended to use a self-signed certificate for production operation, but I think it is okay for testing purposes.

Create a self-signed public key (cert.pem) and private key (cert.key)
# openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -sha256 -nodes -keyout cert.key -out cert.pem -subj "/CN=localhost" -days 365

Create the / etc / rainy directory and place the public and private keys
# mkdir /etc/rainy
# cp cert.pem cert.key /etc/rainy/
# cd /etc/rainy
# chmod 0644 cert.pem cert.key

Grafana HTTPS settings Please refer to [here](https://grafana.com/docs/installation/configuration/) for details.

--Edit /etc/grafana/grafana.ini.

@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 #################################### Server ####################################
 # Protocol (http, https, socket)
-;protocol = http
+protocol = https
 # The ip address to bind to, empty will bind to all interfaces
 ;http_addr =
@@ -58,8 +58,8 @@
 ;enable_gzip = false
 # https certs & key file
-;cert_file =
-;cert_key =
+cert_file = /etc/rainy/cert.pem
+cert_key = /etc/rainy/cert.key
 # Unix socket path
 ;socket =

--Restart Grafana and connect to https: // hostAddress: 3000 / in your browser.

# systemctl restart grafana-server.service

Chronograf HTTPS settings See [here](https://docs.influxdata.com/chronograf/v1.7/administration/managing-security/) for more information.

--Edit / etc / default / chronograf.


--Restart Chronograf and connect to https: // hostAddress: 8888 / in your browser.

# systemctl restart chronograf.service

rainy configuration --rainy / conf


- **`clientID`** ** rainy ** Set a unique ID as a tool when running. - **`cc2650`** Set to `true` when using CC2650. The default is `false`. - **`mhz19b`** Set to `true` when using MH-Z19B. The default is `false`. - **`ppd42ns`** Set to `true` when using PPD42NS. The default is `false`. **important point. Since PPD42NS is used from Pi4J, rainy can use PPD42NS only on Raspberry Pi (arm) series. Pi4J cannot be used on amd64 Linux machines, so set it to `false` in that case. ** ** - **`opcua`** Set to `true` when using OPC-UA. The default is `false`.

Data transmission connection settings

InfluxDB - influxdb.properties

- **`influxDBUrl`** - **`userName`** - **`password`** - `actions` Set the unit for the number of batch processes. The default is `1000`. - `flushDuration` Set the flush time interval (msec). The default is `1000`. - `dataOnly` Set to `true` to get only the data. The default is `true`.

MQTT - mqtt.properties

- **`brokerUri`** - `userName` - `password` - **`clientID`** Set the first half character string of the client ID when connecting to the MQTT broker. The second half of the string is assigned by the system to complete the client ID. - `qos` The default is `0`. - `topic` Sets the topic string when publishing to the MQTT broker. The default is `rainy`.

Sensor and protocol settings

CC2650 - cc2650.properties

[Here](https://qiita.com/s5uishida/items/79a2de6a7026ef230e9b) is also helpful.
# hciconfig -a
hci0:   Type: Primary  Bus: UART
        BD Address: B8:27:EB:7D:0F:7D  ACL MTU: 1021:8  SCO MTU: 64:1
        UP RUNNING 
        RX bytes:28342 acl:441 sco:0 events:2265 errors:0
        TX bytes:34605 acl:441 sco:0 commands:1955 errors:0
        Features: 0xbf 0xfe 0xcf 0xfe 0xdb 0xff 0x7b 0x87
        Packet type: DM1 DM3 DM5 DH1 DH3 DH5 HV1 HV2 HV3 
        Link policy: RSWITCH SNIFF 
        Link mode: SLAVE ACCEPT 
        Name: 'raspberrypi'
        Class: 0x000000
        Service Classes: Unspecified
        Device Class: Miscellaneous, 
        HCI Version: 4.1 (0x7)  Revision: 0x168
        LMP Version: 4.1 (0x7)  Subversion: 0x2209
        Manufacturer: Broadcom Corporation (15)
# hcitool lescan
LE Scan ...
B0:B4:48:B9:92:86 (unknown)
B0:B4:48:B9:92:86 CC2650 SensorTag

Run the hcitool command and press the power button on the CC2650 to see the addresses scanned as above.

MH-Z19B - mhz19b.properties

[Here](https://github.com/s5uishida/mh-z19b-driver) is also helpful.

**important point. When used with the PPD42NS, connect pin 4 (yellow) on the PPD42NS to pin 19 (GPIO10) or pin 38 (GPIO20) on the Raspberry Pi 3B. Alternatively, when connecting pin 4 (yellow) of PPD42NS to pin 8 (GPIO14) of Raspberry Pi 3B, connect to Raspberry Pi 3B via USB serial communication adapter to MH-Z19B (DSD TECH SH- U09C USB to TTL Serial Adapter with FTDI FT232RL Chip etc.). If you connect the MH-Z19B to a USB serial communication adapter, the serial communication port name will be / dev / ttyUSB0. ** **


PPD42NS - ppd42ns.properties

[Here](https://github.com/s5uishida/ppd42ns-driver) is also helpful.

OPC-UA - opcua.properties

OPC-UA server --conf / opcua / milo-public-demo.properties The following is a setting example of [Eclipse Milo Public Demo Server](https://github.com/eclipse/milo).
  • use
    Set to true when connecting to this OPC-UA server. The default is false.
  • serverName
    Set the OPC-UA server name.
  • endpointIP
    Set the address of the OPC-UA server.
  • endpointPort
    Set the port number of the OPC-UA server.
  • securityPolicy
    For securityPolicy, set one of Basic128Rsa15, Basic256, Basic256Sha256, None. The default is None.
  • securityMode
    Set one of Sign, SignAndEncrypt, or None for securityMode. The default is None.
  • userName
  • password
  • requestTimeout
    The default is 10000 (msec).
  • sessionTimeout
    The default is 10000 (msec).
  • publishingInterval
    Sets the publishing Interval for the Monitored Item (msec). The default is 1000.
  • samplingInterval
    Sets the sampling Interval for the Monitored Item (msec). The default is 500.
  • queueSize
    Sets the queueSize in the MonitoredItem. The default is 10.
  • dataChangeTrigger
    Set one of the following for the DataChangeTrigger in the MonitoredItem.
    • 0 for DataChangeTrigger.Status
    • 1 for DataChangeTrigger.StatusValue
    • 2 for DataChangeTrigger.StatusValueTimestamp
      The default is 1.
  • nodeIDs
    Write the node ID to be observed with a space. The format is as follows.

Below is a sample. If depth is set to -1, the node ID will be searched from the node ID to the end.

  nodeIDs=2,Dynamic/RandomInt32,0 \
	  2,Dynamic/RandomInt64,0 \
	  2,Dynamic,-1 \

In the above example, the node IDs are explicitly specified as 2, Dynamic / RandomInt32 and 2, Dynamic / RandomInt64, and together with 2, Dynamic and 0,2295 (VendorServerInfo). Search the node ID of the hierarchy to the end.

There is also milo-example.properties in the conf / opcua directory. This is an example of connecting settings to milo-example-server that built the sample server included in Eclipse Milo.

For reference, as a simple tool to check the Address Space of the OPC-UA server, [toem impulse OPC / UA Extension (Eclipse pulug-in)](https://toem.de/index.php/projects/impulse- There is opcua).

rainy start
  • Start-up Start as follows.
# cd /path/to/rainy-felix/bin
# sh rainy-start.sh
WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred
WARNING: Illegal reflective access by org.apache.felix.framework.ext.ClassPathExtenderFactory$DefaultClassLoaderExtender (file:/path/to/rainy-felix/bin/felix.jar) to method java.net.URLClassLoader.addURL(java.net.URL)
WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of org.apache.felix.framework.ext.ClassPathExtenderFactory$DefaultClassLoaderExtender
WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations
WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release
-> ps
   ID   State         Level  Name
[   0] [Active     ] [    0] System Bundle (6.0.3)
[   1] [Active     ] [    1] bcpkix (1.62)
[   2] [Active     ] [    1] bcprov (1.62)
[   3] [Active     ] [    1] bluetooth scanner (0.1.1)
[   4] [Active     ] [    1] bluez-dbus-osgi (
[   5] [Active     ] [    1] bsd-parser-core (0.3.3)
[   6] [Active     ] [    1] bsd-parser-gson (0.3.3)
[   7] [Active     ] [    1] java driver for ti sensortag cc2650 (0.1.0)
[   8] [Active     ] [    1] Apache Commons Lang (3.9.0)
[   9] [Active     ] [    1] cron4j-osgi (2.2.5)
[  10] [Active     ] [    1] dbus-java-with-java-utils-osgi (3.0.2)
[  11] [Active     ] [    1] Gson (2.8.5)
[  12] [Active     ] [    1] Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java (26.0.0.jre)
[  13] [Active     ] [    1] Java client for InfluxDB (2.15)
[  14] [Active     ] [    1] jSerialComm (2.5.1)
[  15] [Active     ] [    1] Jackson-annotations (2.9.9)
[  16] [Active     ] [    1] Jackson-core (2.9.9)
[  17] [Active     ] [    1] jackson-databind (
[  18] [Active     ] [    1] JavaBeans Activation Framework (1.2.0)
[  19] [Active     ] [    1] jaxb-api (2.4.0.b1808300359)
[  20] [Active     ] [    1] file:/home/pi/rainy-felix/bundle/jaxb-runtime-2.4.0-b180830.0438.jar
[  21] [Active     ] [    1] java driver for mh-z19b - intelligent infrared co2 module (0.1.2)
[  22] [Active     ] [    1] A modern JSON library for Kotlin and Java (1.7.0)
[  23] [Active     ] [    1] MessagePack serializer implementation for Java (0.8.17)
[  24] [Active     ] [    1] Netty/Buffer (4.1.38.Final)
[  25] [Active     ] [    1] netty-channel-fsm-osgi (0.3.0)
[  26] [Active     ] [    1] Netty/Codec (4.1.38.Final)
[  27] [Active     ] [    1] Netty/Codec/HTTP (4.1.38.Final)
[  28] [Active     ] [    1] Netty/Common (4.1.38.Final)
[  29] [Active     ] [    1] Netty/Handler (4.1.38.Final)
[  30] [Active     ] [    1] Netty/Resolver (4.1.38.Final)
[  31] [Active     ] [    1] Netty/Transport (4.1.38.Final)
[  32] [Active     ] [    1] Apache Felix Shell Service (1.4.3)
[  33] [Active     ] [    1] Apache Felix Shell TUI (1.4.1)
[  34] [Active     ] [    1] Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: jsr305 (
[  35] [Active     ] [    1] Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: okhttp (
[  36] [Active     ] [    1] Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: okio (
[  37] [Active     ] [    1] Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: retrofit (
[  38] [Active     ] [    1] Paho MQTT Client (1.2.1)
[  39] [Active     ] [    1] OSGi LogService implemented over SLF4J (1.7.26)
[  40] [Active     ] [    1] Pi4J :: Java Library (Core) (1.2)
[  41] [Active     ] [    1] java driver for ppd42ns - dust sensor module (0.1.6)
[  42] [Active     ] [    1] osgi activator of rainy - a tiny tool for iot data collection and monitoring (0.1.6)
[  43] [Active     ] [    1] OPC-UA bundle of rainy - a tiny tool for iot data collection and monitoring (0.1.4)
[  44] [Active     ] [    1] rainy - a tiny tool for iot data collection and monitoring (0.1.14)
[  45] [Active     ] [    1] sdk-client (0.3.3)
[  46] [Active     ] [    1] sdk-core (0.3.3)
[  47] [Active     ] [    1] slf4j-api (1.7.26)
[  48] [Resolved   ] [    1] slf4j-jdk14 (1.7.26)
[  49] [Active     ] [    1] stack-client (0.3.3)
[  50] [Active     ] [    1] stack-core (0.3.3)
[  51] [Active     ] [    1] strict-machine-osgi (0.1.0)
  • Stop Stop as follows.
-> stop 0

Output sensor data to log file

If you change the following log level of conf / logging.properties to ʻINFO-> FINE and restart ** rainy **, the acquired sensor data will be the log file logs / rainy.log.0 It is output to `.


An example of log file output is as follows. The beginning of the line is omitted.

[/dev/ttyAMA0] co2:850 
[hci0] B0:B4:48:B9:92:86 obj:28.28125 amb:32.28125 
[hci0] B0:B4:48:B9:92:86 humidity:59.362793 
[hci0] B0:B4:48:B9:92:86 pressure:1012.27 
[hci0] B0:B4:48:B9:92:86 optical:227.28 
[hci0] B0:B4:48:B9:92:86 gyr[x]:-1.3198851 
[hci0] B0:B4:48:B9:92:86 gyr[y]:-0.2593994 
[hci0] B0:B4:48:B9:92:86 gyr[z]:0.7476806 
[hci0] B0:B4:48:B9:92:86 acc[x]:0.0056152344 
[hci0] B0:B4:48:B9:92:86 acc[y]:-0.007080078 
[hci0] B0:B4:48:B9:92:86 acc[z]:0.9707031 
[hci0] B0:B4:48:B9:92:86 mag[x]:127.0 
[hci0] B0:B4:48:B9:92:86 mag[y]:420.0 
[hci0] B0:B4:48:B9:92:86 mag[z]:302.0
[GPIO_10] pcs:1373.6702 ugm3:2.1420693

To reduce the number of writes to the SD card of Raspberry Pi 3B, it is usually recommended to set the log level to ʻINFO`.

Check the database name created in InfluxDB

From the log file logs / rainy.log.0, check the database name created in InfluxDB. Below is an example of the database name created for each sensor.

  • MH-Z19B ⇒ RP3B_01__dev_ttyAMA0 --CC2650 ⇒ B0_B4_48_B9_92_86 and B0_B4_48_ED_B6_04 --Eclipse Milo public demo server ⇒ milo_digitalpetri_com_62541_milo
  • PPD42NS ⇒ RP3B_01_GPIO_10
execute - CREATE DATABASE RP3B_01__dev_ttyAMA0
execute - CREATE DATABASE B0_B4_48_B9_92_86
execute - CREATE DATABASE B0_B4_48_ED_B6_04
execute - CREATE DATABASE milo_digitalpetri_com_62541_milo

These database names are needed as information to connect to InfluxDB when creating dashboards in Grafana or Chronograf.

Create dashboards with visualization tools

Connect to InfluxDB from visualization tools Grafana and Chronograf to monitor time-series sensor data.

For Grafana

For how to use Grafana, refer to Getting started here. The graph below is an example of a dashboard created with Grafana. rainy_grafana_1.png The graph below is an example of a magnetic (3 axis) 3D image using the Plotly (https://grafana.com/grafana/plugins/natel-plotly-panel) panel. rainy_grafana_1_1.png The graph below is an example of an image of sensor data mapped to a floor using the ImageIt (https://grafana.com/grafana/plugins/pierosavi-imageit-panel) panel. CC2650 is placed in three rooms, and MH-Z19B (CO2 concentration) and PPD42NS (PM2.5 concentration) are placed in the main room. rainy_floor_env_1.png

For Chronograf

For how to use Chronograf, refer to Getting started at here. The graph below is an example of a dashboard created with Chronograf. rainy_chronograf_1.png The graph below is an example dashboard image for the following node IDs in the Eclipse Milo public demo server.

  • 1,VendorServerInfo/ProcessCpuLoad
  • 1,VendorServerInfo/SystemCpuLoad
  • 1,VendorServerInfo/UsedMemory
  • 2,Dynamic/RandomDouble
  • 2,Dynamic/RandomFloat
  • 2,Dynamic/RandomInt32
  • 2,Dynamic/RandomInt64 rainy_opcua_1.png The upper row shows the data of each node ID of 1, VendorServerInfo / ProcessCpuLoad, 1, VendorServerInfo / SystemCpuLoad, and 1, VendorServerInfo / UsedMemory. The middle row shows the data of each node ID of 2, Dynamic / Random Double and 2, Dynamic / Random Float superimposed. The lower row shows the data of each node ID of 2, Dynamic / RandomInt32 and 2, Dynamic / RandomInt64.

Visualization tools Grafana and Chronograf make it easy to create a dashboard of time series data for each sensor sent to InfluxDB.

Check the data sent to the MQTT broker

You can check the data sent to the MQTT broker by running the MQTT client command as follows:

# mosquitto_sub -d -t rainy/B0_B4_48_ED_B6_04
Client mosqsub|2095-u1804 sending CONNECT
Client mosqsub|2095-u1804 received CONNACK
Client mosqsub|2095-u1804 sending SUBSCRIBE (Mid: 1, Topic: rainy/B0_B4_48_ED_B6_04, QoS: 0)
Client mosqsub|2095-u1804 received SUBACK
Subscribed (mid: 1): 0
Client mosqsub|2095-u1804 received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'rainy/B0_B4_48_ED_B6_04', ... (670 bytes))
{"deviceID":"B0:B4:48:ED:B6:04","clientID":"RP3B-01","samplingDate":"2019-08-09 12:56:00.009","samplingTimeMillis":1565351760009,"samplingTimeNanos":0,"firmwareVersion":"1.30 (May 23 2016)","batteryLevel":{"value":72,"unit":"%"},"objectTemperature":{"value":27.46875,"unit":"deg C"},"ambientTemperature":{"value":32.03125,"unit":"deg C"},"humidity":{"value":34.61914,"unit":"%"},"pressure":{"value":1009.16,"unit":"hPa"},"optical":{"value":203.84,"unit":"lux"},"gyroscope":{"x":-10.589599,"y":-7.8887935,"z":-2.281189,"unit":"deg/s"},"accelerometer":{"x":-0.029785156,"y":-0.06347656,"z":1.1887207,"unit":"G"},"magnetometer":{"x":138.0,"y":125.0,"z":-199.0,"unit":"uT"}}

Limitations --Only one Bluetooth adapter can be used at a time. ――I think that the number of CC2650 that can be used at the same time is about several due to the limitation of the Bluetooth chip. --When the connection with CC2650 is lost, automatic reconnection may fail. --PPD42NS is used from Pi4J, so ** rainy ** can use PPD42NS only on Raspberry Pi (arm) series. You cannot use PPD42NS on amd64 Linux machines because you cannot use Pi4J. --For the OPC-UA server, the load on InfluxDB may increase extremely due to the balance between the number of node IDs to be observed and the publishing interval.

Bundle list

The license for the following bundles I created is the MIT license.

Please check each license for the following bundles of the 3rd party you are using.

We would like to thank the developers of these handles and those who have contributed.

A series of articles

This series consists of the following articles:

  1. Motivation and Concept
  2. Catch Bluetooth LE advertisement signal with Java (Bluetooth LE / bluez-dbus) The related Github is here.
  3. Get temperature / humidity / illuminance etc. from TI SensorTag CC2650 with Java (Bluetooth LE / bluez-dbus) The related Github is here.
  4. Obtain CO2 concentration from MH-Z19B with Java (serial communication / jSerialComm) The related Github is here.
  5. Get PM2.5 concentration from PPD42NS in Java (GPIO / Pi4J) The related Github is here.
  6. Getting operational information of industrial automation equipment in Java (OPC-UA / Eclipse Milo) The related Github is here.
  7. ** Summarize in a simple tool (this time) ** The related Github is here.
  8. Postscript


[2019.11.16] For the latest information on simple tools, please refer to here.

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