Rails is convenient because it links templates with actions. Action View and ERB (Embedded Ruby). Occasionally, you may want to use the template elsewhere. I looked it up, but I didn't get much information, or it didn't work when I thought I found it, so I'll post the solution as a reminder.
ruby 2.6.5 rails 5.2.3
For example, use it in Job.
Create a template under app / views (any location is possible).
<%= user_name %>to
This is a sample.
Next is Job.
class SendTemplateJob < ApplicationJob
queue_as :default
def perform(*args)
#Use template
content = ActionView::Base.new('app/views').render(file: 'sample',
locals: { user_name: current_user.name },
layout: false)
#Describe the process of sending the character string generated using the template somewhere
#For example, slack
If you write like this, the variable defined as user_name in erb can be expanded and acquired as a character string.
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