[RUBY] Options for rails new and settings to be done after rails new

As a memorandum, I will summarize the options that I personally feel "don't use often when doing rails new "and the settings that are often made when creating a new project.

Options when doing rails new

First of all, about the options that are often added when doing rails new. Each option will be described later.

rails _6.0.3.2_ new appname --database=mysql --skip-test

Rails version specification

rails _6.0.3.2_ new

This will allow you to specify the version of rails. Please change the value of _6.0.3.2_ each time.

Specifying the database to use


If you don't specify a DB like this, the default DB will be sqlite. This time it is a setting to use mysql.

Do not generate Minitest


When you generate a project by default, a Minitest is created. I myself often use RSpec for testing, so I try not to generate a Minitest as described above.

Settings to be done after rails new

From here, it will be the setting after actually doing rails new.

Set not to generate unnecessary files when using the rails g command


module appname
  class Application < Rails::Application
    #Add the following
    config.generators do |g|
      g.stylesheets false
      g.javascripts false
      g.helper false
      g.test_framework false
    config.time_zone = "Tokyo"
    config.i18n.default_locale = :ja

The following parts were mainly added this time.

config.generators do |g|
  g.stylesheets false
  g.javascripts false
  g.helper false
  g.test_framework false

If you create a controller with the rails g command, the file will be generated automatically, but this description is to prevent unnecessary things (coffee and css) from being generated. The rails g command is something you use a lot during the development process, so it's a lot easier to do this first.

config.time_zone = "Tokyo"
config.i18n.default_locale = :ja

Also, here we will set the default language to Japanese and the time zone default to Tokyo.

config.i18n.default_locale = :ja

However, there is a caution about the above (Japanese localization), and an error may occur when accessing ʻusers / sign_up` when using the devise Gem. So, if you think "Is it okay to translate it into Japanese now? I'm tired of getting an error", I think that you don't have to make any special settings here.

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