DBSCAN (clustering) with scikit-learn

About the outline of DBSCAN which is one of the clustering algorithms and simple parameter tuning I didn't seem to have a complete Japanese article, so I made a note of it. Please note that the outline of DBSCAN is a (rough) Japanese translation of wikipedia.

What is DBSCAN

Algorithm overview

[From figure wikipedia]



Difference from other algorithms

It is a comparison of each method in scikit-learn demo page, but the second from the right is DBSCAN. You can intuitively see that they are clustered based on density. sphx_glr_plot_cluster_comparison_001.png

Tuning of ε and minPts

If it is two-dimensional, it can be visualized to determine whether it is classified well, but if it is three-dimensional or more, it is difficult to visualize and judge. I debugged and adjusted the outliers and the number of clusters as follows. (Using scikit-learn)

from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN

for eps in range(0.1,3,0.1):
    for minPts in range(1,20):
        dbscan = DBSCAN(eps=eps,min_samples=minPts).fit(X)
        y_dbscan = dbscan.labels_
        print("eps:",eps,",minPts:", minPts)
        #Outlier number
        print(len(np.where(y_dbscan ==-1)[0]))
        #Number of clusters
        #Number of points in cluster 1
        print(len(np.where(y_dbscan ==0)[0]))
        #Number of points in cluster 2
        print(len(np.where(y_dbscan ==1)[0]))

DBSCAN related links


Japanese Wikipedia has been updated with additional descriptions. It's easy to understand.

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