[RUBY] Save twitter icon to s3

things to do

The link of the twitter icon obtained by logging in to twitter will be cut off immediately, so save it in s3.

Implementation details

Implementation of twitteromniauth


The above article was easy to understand

Image saving process only at the time of new registration

The following process is written in omniauth


class User < ApplicationRecord
  mount_uploader :image_url, ImageUploader
  #If there is a user related to the argument, it is returned, and if it exists, a new one is created.
  def self.find_or_create_from_auth_hash(auth_hash)
  #Substitute each data acquired by OmniAuth
      provider = auth_hash[:provider]
      uid = auth_hash[:uid]
      nickname = auth_hash[:info][:nickname]
      image = auth_hash[:info][:image]

      User.find_or_initialize_by(provider: provider, uid: uid) do |user|
        if user.new_record?
          user.nickname = nickname
          user.remote_image_url = image_url

find_or_initialize_by gets the user if it is looking for it, and creates a new one if it doesn't. Unlike find_or_create_by, find_or_create_by even saves. If you want to insert only new registration processing, use find_or_initialize_by, which allows you to save after conditional branching whether to create a new one with new_record ?.

Image save carrierwave


The following processing is done in image saving

--Get the icon url from twitter --Dl the image from that url --And save the dropped image in s3

This process can be easily done with the remote_xxxx_url method.

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