[JAVA] Private methods can or cannot be overridden by public methods

For ruby

First of all, ruby.


class Foo
  def hoge
    p :hoge_in_Foo

class Bar < Foo
  def hoge #Can be overridden without error
    p :hoge_in_Bar

b = Bar.new
b.hoge # Bar#hoge is called

You can just override it. There is no warning. I think it will cause trouble.

For Java

For Java:


class Foo
  private void hoge(){ System.out.println( "hoge in Foo" ); }


class Bar extends Foo
  public void hoge(){ //=>error:Methods do not override or implement supertype methods
    System.out.println( "hoge in Bar" );
  public static void main( String[] args ){
    (new Bar()).hoge();

If you do, an error will occur as described in the above comment. preferable. Foo's hoge isn't an overridable method in the first place, so it's natural. So, without " @ Override ", there will be no error or warning.

For C ++


#include <iostream>

class Foo
    virtual void hoge(){ std::cout << "hoge in Foo\n"; }
class Bar: public Foo
    virtual void hoge() override { std::cout << "hoge in Bar\n"; }

int main()
  Bar bar;
  bar.hoge(); // okay

Can be overridden normally. Of course, it can be overridden because Foo's hoge is virtual. However, I wonder if there is no warning even if the visibility is changed from private to public. In the first place, it's okay to give a warning when it's private and virtual.

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