If variables are no longer highlighted in Eclipse's Java editor

When I click on a class, method, variable, etc. in Eclipse, the one that highlights it is sometimes turned off. If you think that you are the only one, it seems that everyone will happen, and if you google, the procedure below will come out.

** Japanese menu ** [Window]-[Settings]-[Java]-[Editor]-[Mark Editor Appearance]-[Mark Appearance of Selected Element in Current File]

Of course this is OK. However, it's only the procedure of the menu that has been translated into Japanese, so for some reason I can't put in the Japanese localization plug-in, or for those who say "Watashi Nihongo Wakarimasaen".

** English menu ** [Window]-[Preferences]-[Java]-[Editor]-[Mark Occurrences]-[Mark Occurrences of the selected element in the current file.]

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