I tried morphological analysis and vectorization of words

Try using Word2vec

pip install gensim
pip install janome
#Import required libraries

from janome.tokenizer import Tokenizer
from gensim.models import word2vec
import re

#Read after opening txt file
binarydata = open("kazeno_matasaburo.txt").read()

#By the way, the one who printed and checked one by one
binarydata = open("kazeno_matasaburo.txt")

Execution result <class'_io.BufferedReader'>

binarydata = open("kazeno_matasaburo.txt").read()

Execution result <class'bytes'>

#Convert data type to string type (how to write python)
text = binarydata.decode('shift_jis')
#Remove unnecessary data
text = re.split(r'\-{5,}',text)[2]
text = re.split(r'Bottom book:',text)[0]
text = text.strip()

#Perform morphological analysis
t = Tokenizer()
results = []
lines = text.split("\r\n")  #Separated by line

for line in lines:
    s = line
    s = s.replace('|','')
    s = re.sub(r'《.+?》','',s)
    s = re.sub(r'[#.+?]','',s)
    tokens = t.tokenize(s)  #Contains the analyzed one
    r = []
  #Take them out one by one.base_form.You can access it on the surface
    for token in tokens:
        if token.base_form == "*":
            w = token.surface
            w = token.base_form
        ps = token.part_of_speech
        hinshi = ps.split(',')[0]
        if hinshi in ['noun','adjective','verb','symbol']:
    rl = (" ".join(r)).strip()

#Write the analyzed one at the same time as the file is generated
wakachigaki_file = "matasaburo.wakati"
with open(wakachigaki_file,'w', encoding='utf-8') as fp:

#Analysis start
data = word2vec.LineSentence(wakachigaki_file)
model = word2.Word2Vec(data,size=200,window=10,hs=1,min_count=2,sg=1)

#try using model


① Get the sentence you want to analyze. ② Process so that it is only sentences. Get rid of things like the last bibliography ③ Take out line by line with the for statement and remove unnecessary parts. ④ Perform morphological analysis with tokenizer. Put it in the list. ⑤ Write the created list to a file ⑥ Create a model using the morphologically analyzed file

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