[JAVA] jacl and jsr223

tcl and java objects

Comment out statement

"#" That is, a sharp at the beginning of the line


For now, it's a good idea to declare the following on the first line:

package require java

Operation check

echo "HelloWorld"

Whether to output to the console with


If you want to nest, you need to put it between "[" and "]"

JSR223 object

It's in the readme of the interface for JSR223, but there is a var for the bound object.

For example, if you are binding as obj,

var "obj"

Feeling like that.

Java field name

If you want to access the str field of an instance called obj

java::field [var "obj"] str

Like this

Update Java fields

java :: field [var "obj"] str "value to update"


Java methods

For example, if you call a method called str with an argument called args on an instance called obj

[var "obj"] str args


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