[JAVA] JJUG CCC 2019 Fall materials summarized

As the title suggests, we have compiled the materials for the "JJUG CCC 2019 Fall" held yesterday.

If the material is not found, the link is a Twitter with related content such as a hashtag of the room number.



A+B Try and learn, deploy Java EE applications with OpenShift (Minishift)!

C+D Head toward Java 13 and Java 14

E+F All people are VIP-Diversity from Disney Philosophy

G+H The first step for a person who fully understands Gradle to understand nothing

I Create a thrilling native command line app with Java, GraalVM and Picocli

L Coding That Sparks Joy with Quarkus

First half of M Introduction to Data Analysis Infrastructure Creation Using BigQuery

Late M A story about acquiring product information by API call from Java based on the JAN code skipped from the barcode reader, registering it in Firebase & notifying Rocket Chat


A+B Basic knowledge of object-oriented programming learned in Java

C+D Introduction Exception

E+F Rethinking Runtime Efficiency with GraalVM

G+H Introduction to Go for Java Programmers

I Jakarta EE: today and tomorrow

L Gradle Ex Machina

M Cloud engineer messed with Spring Cloud AWS


C+D Java community recommendations for JJUG beginners

E+F Toward the realization of cloud native with Java


A+B Latest: Introducing Azure Spring Cloud

C+D Reliability Engineering Behind The Most Trusted Kafka Platform at LINE

E+F open! Domain Driven Design Door

G+H The truth and lies of Maven

I Basics of network programming learned in Java

L Modern Identity Management (in the Era of Serverless and Microservices)

M How to get a log to support the operation?


A+B Spring Update 2019

C+D Look at Project Valhalla starting from the CLR Value Type

E+F How to keep long-lasting services modern

G+H Introduction to JUnit (re) still in time

I Start with Micronaut Server-side Kotlin

M The story of migrating Java on-premise system to AKS + Quarkus

N A story about a former infrastructure engineer learning FW development using Spring Boot 2


A + B first half How to interact with random numbers (generators) in Java

Second half of A + B Use Kotlin scripts and custom DSL in your web apps

C+D Not afraid of source code reading life

E+F [SPA + RESTful Web Service application created with Angular and Spring Boot-Understanding in 45 minutes including development tools and project configuration-](https://www.slideshare.net/ssuser070fa9/angularspring-bootspa-restful-web- service)

G+H How to fight Java startup speed

I How to adapt MicroProfile API for general Web applications

M Where is my cache? Architectural patterns for caching microservices by example


A + B first half Case of breaking away from the huge legacy system at Name.com, where the third year of new graduates faced

Second half of A + B Ore style OpenJDK "no" development environment

C+D Tracing in Java

E+F Introduction to JVM -How Java programs work-

G+H About Java in the Serverless era

I The future illuminated by the multilingual virtual machine GraalVM

M Evaluating ZGC with HBase


A+B Technology selection / OSS contribution of distributed tracing and performance visualization / improvement with Stackdriver Tracer

C+D API server development with OpenAPI Specification 3.0 instead of Swagger

G+H Introduction to DI Container

I JVMs in Containers: Best Practices

M Oops-Less Operation

Thank you to the JJUG staff / presenters / sponsors.

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