Created because it became necessary to display the slider in GWT. When you run it, it looks like this,
If you refer to this article, please do so at your own risk.
Google Web Toolkit (hereinafter, GWT) is a framework for Web applications. By compiling a program written in Java, a file converted to JavaScript is spit out. For details, refer to Introduction to Google Web Toolkit [1]. The current version is "Version 2.8.2" (2017/10/18) [2]. As plugins to support the development of GWT applications on Eclipse, "Google Plugin for Eclipse" and ["GWT Eclipse Plugin"](http: / / "Google Plugin for Eclipse" will be abolished in January 2018 with support up to Eclipse 4.6. The final version is available on the Eclipse Marketplace or "Google Plugin for Eclipse" site. "GWT Eclipse Plugin" supports Eclipse 4.6 or later, and the current version is "V3". The latest version is available from Download the GWT Eclipse Plugin (V3).
Library for GWT [3]. There seems to be another Ext GWT (currently Sencha GXT), and for the difference, refer to Comparison of Ext GWT and Smart GWT. [Four]. This time, I chose ** Smart GWT **, which is free of charge. You can create other than sliders.
The framework of the appearance of the application. The standard skin is "Enterprise", and there are other types such as "Enterprise Blue".
This time, we will implement it according to the following procedure. SmartGWT uses version 4.0 for debugging purposes.
This time, the project name is "SliderSample" and the package name is "com.slidersample.myproject".
Debugging creates a "slidersample" folder in slidersamle / war /
Select "Right click somewhere on the project, build path, build path configuration"
Select "Add JAR" and select the jar file added in 3.
Select "Apply, OK"
Copy the contents of "smartgwt-4.0 / samples / showcase / war / showcase / sc / skins" to the isomorphic folder created in step 5.
Copy the contents of "smartgwt-4.0 / samples / showcase / war / showcase / sc /" to slidersample / war / slidersample /
Add the following code to the 21st line.
<inherits name="com.smartgwt.SmartGwtNoScript"/>
Add the following code from the 27th line (slider sample is changed according to the project name).
<script src='slidersample/sc/modules/ISC_Foundation.js'></script>
<script src='slidersample/sc/modules/ISC_Containers.js'></script>
<script src='slidersample/sc/modules/ISC_Grids.js'></script>
<script src='slidersample/sc/modules/ISC_Forms.js'></script>
<script src='slidersample/sc/modules/ISC_RichTextEditor.js'></script>
<script src='slidersample/sc/modules/ISC_Calendar.js'></script>
<script src='slidersample/sc/modules/ISC_DataBinding.js'></script>
<script src='slidersample/sc/modules/ISC_Drawing.js'></script>
<!-Please rewrite as appropriate according to the skin you use ...->
<!-Process to load skin ...->
Fixed to the following code
package com.slidersample.myproject.client;
import com.smartgwt.client.widgets.Slider;
public class SliderSample implements EntryPoint {
private final Slider slider = new Slider("You can enter comments on the slider");
public void onModuleLoad() {
//The following events
//When the slider value changes
slider.addDrawHandler(new DrawHandler() {
public void onDraw(DrawEvent event) {
slider.addValueChangedHandler(new ValueChangedHandler() {
public void onValueChanged(ValueChangedEvent event) {
int value = event.getValue(); //Added on October 19th
if(value == 5) Window.alert("value is 5");
else if(value == 10) Window.alert("value is 10");
else ;
if (slider.getValue() != value){ //Deleted comment on October 19th
}else ;
private HorizontalPanel drawSlider(){
final HorizontalPanel hPanel = new HorizontalPanel();
return hPanel;
private Slider createSlider(){
final int width = 700;
final int minValue = 1, maxValue = 10, numValue = 10;
//Creating a slider
slider.setVertical(false); //true:Portrait, false:Sideways
return slider;
When executed, 1. The slider posted for the purpose is displayed. When the value is 5 or 10, it is displayed as alert.
On October 26, 2017, Mr. shirafu gave us detailed information about the contents of "2. What is GWT?" And "3. What is Smart GWT?". Thank you.
[1] Introduction to Google Web Toolkit [2] Google Web Toolkit [3] SmartGWT Showcase [4] Comparison between Ext GWT and Smart GWT [5] Me and SmartGWT ~ The beginning of SmartGWT ~ [6] MergeDoc Project [7] SmartGWT