[CENTOS] [Mac OS] Problem of crashing when starting Cent OS after installing Cent OS in Virtual Box

I was so addicted to building a virtual environment that I will write it as a memorandum.

·environment macOS catalina Ver10.15.6

Virtual Box 6.1.14

You tried to install CentOS-8.2.2004-x86_64-dvd1.iso.

·Status Virtual Box VM crashes on reboot after OS installation. If you try to start it after that, it also crashes.

Conclusion: I was able to boot after downgrading Virtual Box to 6.0.14

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When I tried to build an environment to learn Mr. Yamaura's Linux course, it crashed no matter what I did.

I downgraded and finally succeeded, so

・ Settings → Display → Graphic controller to Vbox VGA ・ Settings → Storage → Click the optical drive icon → Erase the disk from the virtual drive スクリーンショット 2020-09-14 19.21.46.png

Finally started.

・ What I tried Virtual memory 1024B → 2048B × Change boot media order × Install CentOS on the virtual machine × Actual memory clear × Install CentOS7 in VirtualBox ×

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