Initial setup with windows PC provisioning

Setup contents

Create an administrator account with windows10 provisioning → Automatic setup at first startup Creating a user user account PC name change Software installation Create shortcuts to in-house storage

windows10 provisioning

Choose desktop device provisioning image.png

Enter various information The device name and password will be changed later, so enter them temporarily. image.png

Reference url

Create user with batch file

Since our PC operates with two accounts, "admin" and "user name", Create an account with a user name

Run command prompt as administrator


@echo off

net user username/add password
net localgroup Administrators username/add


@echo off

powershell.exe -Command Start-Process add_user.bat -ArgumentList "%1,%2" -Verb Runas

PS C:> Rename-Computer -NewName "newhostname" -Force -Restart

Create "user01" user net user user01 /add

Change the password to "password123" net user user01 password123

Specify the password when creating the user net user user01 /add password123

Make "user01" belong to the "Administrators" group net localgroup administrators user01 /add

Delete the "user01" user net user user01 /delete

Check user information ney user user01

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