When "ERROR: HTTP is not supported." Is displayed in mpsyt

I created a python 3.5.2 quarantine with venv on Linux Mint 18.3, put mpsyt in it, and sometimes enjoy YouTube music. However, when I started mpsyt for the first time in a while, a message I had never seen before was displayed, "ERROR: HTTP is not supported.", And the music could not be played. It is assumed that this event is due to a change in the specifications on the YouTube side, but in such a case, you can just update the package without rushing.

$ pip install --upgrade youtube-dl
$ pip install --upgrade mps-youtube
$ pip install --upgrade pafy

The version of each package after the update is as follows.

Package       Version   
------------- ----------
mps-youtube   0.2.8     
pafy          0.5.5     
youtube-dl    2019.12.25

Now you can play it without any problems.

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