You can't (yet) pass arguments to buildkit with docker-compose

docker-compose Since docker-compose can easily operate the container with up and down, it is used when trying the container locally. I checked if it could be used with buildkit. Leave for reminder

buildkit There is a case to access the private repository of github in the build with docker, I am passing a secret with the function of buildkit

DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build --secret id=token,src=.token .


I wanted to use this with docker-compose, so I checked it, but it seems that it can not be used as of January 2021.

By setting COMPOSE_DOCKER_CLI_BUILD = 1, it seems that you can build using buildkit.

However, there seems to be no option to pass secret

Since the PR of docker-compose is not open, it seems that it is not supported

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