1. Conclusion </ b>
2. Why "commit failed exit code 1" </ b>
3. How to solve it </ b>
4. What I learned from here </ b>
Delete the git cloned file.
% git clone https://github.com/"github account name"/"github remote repository file name ”.git
It was because I went there. It was because the git clone as above remained in the file I wanted to commit.
"Clone_site" was created in the location in the corresponding file. I deleted that file, specified the file I want to reflect on github again, and committed, and the error disappeared.
At that time, when I git cloned it, I used it because I wanted to try it for a moment. So I should have deleted the file if it was obsolete, or decided not to use it because I was confident that I wouldn't commit it. If you don't, you may get stuck in a jar and spend some time because you forgot to git clone like this time.
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