What's this?
I tried to create an environment for Jupyter when I participated in a study session called [Wantedly Machine learning quick learning session @ Wantedly that I learned while touching with Jupyter.
By the way, Mac is OS X El Capitan (10.11.6).
Please install Python 2 system appropriately as brew.
Machine learning library? Install scikit-learn which is. Install some packages in advance.
$ pip install numpy
$ pip install scipy
$ pip install scikit-learn
Finally, install Jupyter.
$ pip install jupyter
$ mkdir machine-learning
$ cd machine-learning/
Create an appropriate directory, and there
$ jupyter notebook
When you start Jupyter Notebook,
A screen like the one above will start.
That's it. I was able to do it without any problems. (maybe)
It's still before the study session, so I don't really know who Jupyter is, but for the time being, the environment has been created.
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