Edit Django shift table HTML and CSS


I am changing the layout while editing html and cSS. I don't know how to read the time notation for the shift symbol on the upper right ... Is this the job of web designers?

I then added an a tag to the date so that I could see the daily schedule.


        <tr>    <!--date-->
            <th class ="fixed00" rowspan="2"></th>
            {% for item in calender_object %}
            <th><a href="{% url 'schedule:dayschedulefunc' item.date %}" class ="fixed01">{{ item.date | date:"d" }}</a></th>
            {% endfor %}
        <tr>   <!--Day of the week-->
            {% for item in youbi_object %}
                <th class ="fixed02">{{ item }}</th>
            {% endfor %}

For some reason, it looks like a button (laughs) It's a mysterious design, but I'm wondering if it will continue as it is

Would you like to create a page that looks like a Gantt chart 24 hours a day? I did it first to check the URL to be delivered, but I think I was desperately trying to fix it later (laugh)

Somehow, rather than doing a Gantt chart, selecting an employee name on the new registration screen of the desired shift Since it is not a combination of firastname and lastname, I will fix this.


First of all, I created it with CreateView of django.views.generic prepared by Django. In this case, you may not be able to make detailed edits ...

I've been researching it for a long time, but it may have been faster to recreate it with a function than the time to research it (laughs), but it's a fortune to know that detailed settings are not possible.

Then, I will fix it.

I did it for about 30 minutes, but I'm not motivated. Compromise whether this is okay for a while (laughs)

I don't feel like doing something that is worth making, so let's think about what to add (⌒∇⌒)

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