Try the Taxii server (3.gunicorn settings)

Continuing from previous, try taxii server.

--gunicorn settings

pip install gunicorn Install gunicorn.

You can also find the base script at ʻopentaxii /`.

from .middleware import create_app
from .config import ServerConfig
from .server import TAXIIServer
from .utils import configure_logging

config = ServerConfig()
configure_logging(config.get('logging', {'': 'info'}))

server = TAXIIServer(config)
app = create_app(server)
app.debug = False

As you can see from the above ʻOpentaxii / loads the defaults.yml confirmed in 1. ʻOpentaxii / will start the service as a server. Logs are managed at ʻopentaxii /`.

You can start it with gunicorn opentaxii.http: app --bind

After that, I would like you to use each method for automatic startup.

Next time, I would like to confirm the posts to the collection.

Reference site

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