It is a function installed in ultra-super high-priced wristwatches (originally it has a history of being installed in pocket watches). It tells you the current time by the number of gong sounds that are charged inside.
(1) Number of hour units (hours): Bass single note, 1 time = 1 o'clock to 12 times = 12 o'clock.
(2) Number of 60 minutes divided into 15-minute units (quarter): High-pitched and low-pitched sounds are combined alternately, and 1 set of high-pitched sound → low-pitched sound = 15 minutes, 2 sets repeated = 30 minutes, 3 sets repeated = 45 Minutes.
(3) Fractions less than 15 minutes (minutes): High-pitched single notes, from 1 time = 1 minute to 14 times = 14 minutes.
This is the case at 12:59, where the number of strike sounds is the highest and is often used for demonstrations. ● First, the bass sounds 12 times and it is 12 o'clock. ● Next, if you divide 59 minutes by 15 minutes (15 minutes x 3 times) + 14 minutes, you can hit 3 sets of quarters with a combination of treble and bass for 45 minutes. ● Hit the last remaining 14 minutes 14 times with high notes.
What is a minute repeater? Its history and representative model
We will implement this.
It is supposed to be activated when the button is pressed. I wrote the method to get the time numerically in Last article.
@IBAction func actionButton(_ sender: UIButton) {
//Get the time numerically
let now = Date()
let time = Calendar.current.dateComponents([.hour, .minute], from: now)
//Number of hours
var hour = time.hour!
//Since it will be acquired in 24 hours, if it is after 13:00-12
if hour > 12 {
hour -= 12
//Number of 60 minutes divided into 15 minutes
let quarter = time.minute! / 15
//Fractions less than 15 minutes
let minute = time.minute! % 15
//Variables for use in while
var hourCount = 0
var quarterCount = 0
var minuteCount = 0
//First gong
while hourCount < hour {
hourCount += 1
//Second gong
while quarterCount < quarter {
quarterCount += 1
//Third gong
while minuteCount < minute {
minuteCount += 1
It may be a crappy algorithm.
Next time, we will replace print
with sound playback.