Solve ordinary differential equations in Python


I will explain how to solve ordinary differential equations using Python.

OS / Python module version The OS used is Windows 10. The Python module version is:


> python --version
Python 3.4.3
> pip freeze

sample code Solve the following differential equation.

y'' = -y \\

Introduce the variable z. By increasing the variables, one second-order differential equation is considered as a simultaneous equation of two first-order differential equations.

y' = z \\
z' = -y \\

The initial conditions are $ t = 0, y_0 = 1, z_0 = 0 $. The solution is $ cos (t) $. Since the correct solution can be easily obtained, the error can be evaluated.

The following is a Python program that solves differential equations. Solve using scipy.integrate.ode.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.integrate import ode

def f(t, v): # t, y:v[0], y'=z:v[1]
    return [v[1], -v[0]] # y':return[0] y''=z':return[1]
v0 = [1.0, 0.0] # y0, y'0=z0

solver = ode(f)
tw = 10.0*2.0*np.pi
dt = tw / 1000;
t = 0.0
ts = []
ys = []
while solver.t < tw:
    ts += [solver.t]
    ys += [solver.y[0]]
plt.plot(ts, ys)
plt.plot(ts, np.cos(ts)-ys)

I will do it.


> python .\

When executed, the graph will be displayed.

The following graph is the solution of the differential equation. The graph of cos (t) is displayed for 10 cycles. figure_0.png

The following graph plots the error. As t increases, so does the error. The error is on the scale of $ 10 ^ {-15} $. figure_1.png

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