Ansible role to prevent the initial confirmation message when connecting with SSH

This entry is the 11th day post of Ansible 3 Advent Calendar 2019. It was just vacant, so I wrote it.

Content of this article

--Set Ansible so that the confirmation message at the first SSH connection is not displayed.


--I want to prevent the confirmation message from being issued only when connecting to a specific host by SSH. --Assuming that there are host A and host B, SSH connection to A-> B --Assuming that the client executing Ansible can make SSH connection to both A and B -** Don't mess with StrictHostKeyChecking settings **

Implementation method

--Enter B's public key information directly in A's known_hosts --Use Ansible's known_hosts module



# vars:
#     - ssh_host_and_user:
#         - from:
#             user: vagrant
#             host: A
#           to:
#             user: root
#             host: B

#Store the public key of the root user of host B in a variable
- name: Copy public key to variable
    src: "{{ ROOT_PUBLIC_KEY_HOST_B }}"
  with_items: "{{ ssh_host_and_user }}"
  register: to_host_public_key
  when: == inventory_hostname

#Host A,Get the home directory of any user
- name: Get home direcotry of from.user
  shell: |
    set -o pipefail
    egrep "^{{ item.from.user }}:" /etc/passwd | awk -F: '{ print $6 }'
  register: from_user_home_directory
  with_items: "{{ ssh_host_and_user }}"
  changed_when: false
  failed_when: from_user_home_directory.rc != 0
  when: == inventory_hostname

#Host B's root user's public key, Host A's known_Write to hosts
- name: Add Host B infomation to known_hosts in Host A
  become: item.from.user
    key: "{{ }}
          {{ hostvars[].to_host_public_key.results[0].content | b64decode }}"
    name: "{{ }}"
    path: "{{ hostvars[].from_user_home_directory.results[my_idx].stdout }}/.ssh/known_hosts"
    state: present
  with_items: "{{ ssh_host_and_user }}"
    index_var: my_idx
  when: == inventory_hostname

At the end

Using the known_hosts module, I wrote a process so as not to issue the SSH initial confirmation message. --It was possible to prevent the confirmation message from being issued only when making an SSH connection to a specific host. --In some cases, it may be more convenient to tweak the StrictHostKeyChecking settings.

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