Attempting to build opencv-python with Dockerfile on jetson nano but error (/tmp/nano_build_opencv/ 3.4.10' returned a non-zero code: 1)

Attempting to build opencv-python with Dockerfile on jetson nano but error


Dockerfile (excerpt of relevant part)

RUN git clone /tmp/nano_build_opencv
ADD build_opencv.patch /.
RUN patch -p1 /build_opencv.patch && \
    gosu jetson /tmp/nano_build_opencv/ 3.4.10

Error during docker build

Do you wish to remove temporary build files in /tmp/build_opencv ? 
(Doing so may make running tests on the build later impossible)
The command '/bin/sh -c patch -p0 < /build_opencv.patch &&     cat /tmp/nano_build_opencv/ &&     gosu jetson /tmp/nano_build_opencv/ 3.4.10' returned a non-zero code: 1

Avoid errors by typing y with the yes command

Dockerfile (excerpt of relevant part)

RUN git clone /tmp/nano_build_opencv
ADD build_opencv.patch /.
RUN patch -p1 /build_opencv.patch && \
    yes | gosu jetson /tmp/nano_build_opencv/ 3.4.10


Do you want to automatically enter yes when asked in the middle of a command? You can do it with yes

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