Read FeliCa using Pasori (RC-380S) on Mac

When reading FeliCa on UNIX including Mac, it is easy to use nfcpy in Python. It seems that 2.6x and above do not support 3.x. It seems that 2.7.x is included in the Mac from the beginning.


Tools you need

If you haven't installed Homebrew and pip yet, please install it. For Homebrew, copy the original script. For pip,

curl -kL | sudo python

And so on.

OpenSSL problem

If you install it normally, you will get an error due to OpenSSL. Apparently, it doesn't work if the version of OpenSSL is old. On the other hand, until around August 2016

brew install openssl
brew link openssl --force

Brew upgrade openssl if already installed

As a result, I was able to solve the problem by forcing openssl pre-installed on the Mac to be brew's, but recently it seems that forced linking with --force is not possible, so I manually create the link. It seems necessary.

In my case, I responded by creating the necessary symbolic link after installing openssl as shown below. I wonder if this can solve the problem that OpenSSL is old, not just nfcpy.

brew install openssl

ln -s /usr/local/opt/openssl/bin/openssl /usr/local/bin/openssl
ln -s /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libcrypto.1.0.0.dylib /usr/local/lib/libcrypto.dylib
ln -s /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libssl.1.0.0.dylib /usr/local/lib/libssl.dylib

If you do not do this, you will get an error like AttributeError: dlsym (0x7f8328411ff0, EC_KEY_set_public_key_affine_coordinates): symbol not found.

Recognize Pasori

Install some libraries to recognize Pasori, the reader.

$ brew install libusb
$ brew install libusb-compat

$ sudo pip install pyusb
$ sudo pip install libusb1
$ sudo pip install pyserial

Get nfcpy and run sample

It seems that nfcpy can be obtained via Bazzar (version control tool like git) or via pip. Here we will install and get Bazzar.

#Install Bazzar
brew install bzr
#Get nfcpy using Bazzar (clone in git)
bzr branch lp:nfcpy

Will create an nfcpy folder. Let's run a sample that reads IDm etc. called examples / under it.

cd nfcpy
python examples/ show


[nfc.clf] searching for reader on path usb
[nfc.clf] using SONY RC-S380/P NFC Port-100 v1.11 at usb:253:006
** waiting for a tag **
Type4ATag MIU=255 FWT=0.038664

It turned out to be something like this. Osaifu-Keitai seems to be recognized as NFC Type4 Tag.

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