Create and deploy Flask apps in PTVS

What is Flask

Flask is a micro web development framework for Python. It relies on the Jinja2 template engine and the Werkzeug WSGI toolkit.

Flask app development with Python Tools 2.2 for Visual Studio

1. Start Visual Studio

[New project] ▶ ︎ [Python / Web] ▶ ︎ [Flask Web Projet] Select to create a project 1.png

2. RUN the created project

2.png 3.png

3. Create new HTML

[Project] ▶ ︎ [template] ▶ ︎ [Right click / Add] Create empty HTML with 4HTML作成.png

4. Fill in the code in the empty HTML


<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en" xmlns="">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    Hello World

Comment out home () in and write it to load the new test.html (newly created HTML).

def home():
    return render_template('test.html')

def home():
    return render_template(
        title='Home Page',,

5. When executed, Hello World is displayed


6. Deploy

[Project / Right click] ▶ ︎ [Public] 6公開.png

7.png 8.png

Decide a new arbitrary name in the Web App name and App Service plan items 9.png

Check here only! Issued unless otherwise changed 10.png

Finally, check the app created on Azure. [App Service] ▶ ︎ [APP name] ▶ ︎ [Overview] Click the URL to open it! 11.png

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