Install Chainer on CentOS 6.7

I heard it was easy, but it took a long time, so Make a note of the referenced page.

By the way, my environment is: ・ Gravo: NVIDIA TITAN Z ・ OS: CentOS 6.7 ・ Python: 2.7.8 ・ Chainer: 1.7.0 ・ Cuda: 7.5 It is like this.

・ Chainer's official website (First from here.)

・ Installation of CUDA 7.5 (Note that the runlevel change method is different between CentOS 6 and 7. But I'm not sure if I needed to change the runlevel this time. )

・ CuDNN settings (I had to manually copy the files to include and lib.)

・ TIPS on CentOS6 (If the version of gcc is old, it seems that it can not be calculated by GPU.) → It didn't work as it was, so I tried the wget procedure and it worked.

・ TIPS collection of chainer1.5 (It is necessary to set various environment variables.)

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