Learn Flyweight patterns and ConcurrentHashMap in Java

I'm reading the third edition of Essential Java in an attempt to update my knowledge of Java, and the Flyweight pattern comes up. By the way, I've never done this pattern properly, so I decided to understand and try it.

Flyweight pattern

The Flyweight pattern is one of GoF's design patterns and is a pattern for solving the following problems.


I'm not sure if this is all.


Looking at the sequence, it looks like a cached pattern. Looking at the history item, it seems that it was used in the document editor, and if the font information, for example, the alphabet is 26 characters, if an instance of the character is created each time, a large number of instances will be generated. Therefore, it seems to be a mechanism to create only 26 instances and cache and return them.

Guitar fret sound sample

Let's make a sample and understand it. In short, it's a factory cache, so it's easy. This time the subject is a little brute force, but it is an application that returns the sound of the place when you enter the string number of the guitar and the fret number. Since there are only 12 sounds, 12 instances should be enough. Try using Sound as the Flyweight object in the design pattern diagram.

Sound.java : Flyweight

package com.company;

public interface Sound {
    void Play();

SoundImpl : Flywieght1

package com.company;

public class SoundImpl implements Sound{
    private String note;
    public SoundImpl(String note) {
        this.note = note;
    public void Play() {
        System.out.println(note + "- ♪");
    public String getNote() {
        return note;

SoundFactory : FlywieghtFactory

package com.company;

import java.util.HashMap;

public class SoundFactory {
    private static Map<String, Sound> sounds = new HashMap<String, Sound>();
    public static Sound getSound(String note) {
        if (sounds.containsKey(note)){
            return sounds.get(note);
        } else {
            Sound sound = new SoundImpl(note);
            sounds.put(note, sound);
            return sound;

The Main swelled up and wasn't cool, but anyway, I got something that worked. The simple point is to give Factory a Map and cache it. It's easy.


package com.company;

import java.util.HashMap;

public class Main {
    private static HashMap<Integer, Integer> stringMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
    private static HashMap<Integer, String> notes = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
    private static void setup() {
        stringMap.put(1, 4);
        stringMap.put(2, 11);
        stringMap.put(3, 7);
        stringMap.put(4, 2);
        stringMap.put(5, 9);
        stringMap.put(6, 4);

        notes.put(0, "C");
        notes.put(1, "C#");
        notes.put(2, "D");
        notes.put(3, "D#");
        notes.put(4, "E");
        notes.put(5, "F");
        notes.put(6, "F#");
        notes.put(7, "G");
        notes.put(8, "G#");
        notes.put(9, "A");
        notes.put(10, "A#");
        notes.put(11, "B");

    public static void main(String[] args) {
	    while(true) {
	        java.io.Console con = System.console();
	        if (con != null) {
                String input = con.readLine("string:fret:");
                if (input.contains("exit")) {
                    System.out.println("Closing ...");
                } else {
                    String[] stringFret = input.split(":");
                    int openNote = stringMap.get(Integer.parseInt(stringFret[0]));
                    int fret = Integer.parseInt(stringFret[1]);
                    int note = openNote + fret;
                    if (note >= 12) {
                        note = note - 12;
                    String noteString =  notes.get(new Integer(note));
                    Sound sound = SoundFactory.getSound(noteString);



What happens with Concurrent?

Since the main part was easy, I'm not very familiar with Java, so I decided to take steps. What should I do if it is in a concurrent state? HashMap doesn't seem to be Thread Safe. If you want to make it Thread Safe, you can use HashTable or ConcurrentHashMap. What's the difference?

HashTable and ConcurrentHashMap

Looking at these comparisons, it seems clear that there are many cases where it makes sense to use ConcurrentHashMap. Let's implement it.

Implemented using Micronaut

Sounds easy.

Micronaut install

In my environment, the source of chocolatey was rewritten, so I will restore it to the default. It can be installed by starting PowerShell with Administrator privileges.

$ choco isntall micronaut -s https://chocolatey.org/api/v2/

Generate project via template

You can generate a Maven project like this:

$ mn create-app flyweight-server --build maven

First of all, this will bring the server up. The point I was addicted to was that I wrote the code using IntelliJ, but the Terminal JAVA_HOME was not set and I got the error message Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: invalid target release: 11. It came out. Originally, only the Java8 JDK was in the path, so that's a problem, but I reminded myself that the basics of Java are to set JAVA_HOME and pass% JAVA_HOME% / bin in the path. Otherwise maven will not work properly.

$ cd flywieght-server
$ mvn clean package
$ java -jar .\target\flyweight-server-0.1.jar

Add controller

I will add the controller. Micronaut seems to support various functions like a lightweight version of Spring. I just wanted an Http Server this time, so I'll look at the manual and write the code. To do ruling with a controller, it seems that you just have to write the controller. It's very easy.

*The HTTP Server


package flyweight.server;

import io.micronaut.http.MediaType;
import io.micronaut.http.annotation.Controller;
import io.micronaut.http.annotation.Get;

public class FlyweightController {
    @Get(value = "/{string}/{fret}", produces = MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN)
    public String index(Integer string, Integer fret){
        return "String: " + string + " Fret: "+ fret;

Now that it works, I understand what the controller wants to know. Next, let's modify the Flyweight app. I think this works multithreaded, so let's use the ConcurrentHashMap earlier.

How shorter it was than before. The computeIfAbsent method now accepts functions and guarantees atomic behavior. This is the same atmosphere as C #'s ConcurrentDictionary. So, if it doesn't exist, it will make a new one and return it, otherwise it will return the existing one. The best!


package flyweight.server;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;

public class SoundFactory {
    private static ConcurrentMap<String, Sound> sounds = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Sound>();
    public static Sound getSound(String note) {
        return sounds.computeIfAbsent(note, n -> new SoundImpl(n));

Overall picture


package flyweight.server;

import io.micronaut.http.MediaType;
import io.micronaut.http.annotation.Controller;
import io.micronaut.http.annotation.Get;

public class FlyweightController {
    @Get(value = "/{string}/{fret}", produces = MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN)
    public String index(Integer string, Integer fret){
        Integer openNote = Constants.stringMap.get(string.intValue());
        int note = openNote.intValue() + fret.intValue();
        if (note >= 12) {
            note = note - 12;
        Sound sound = SoundFactory.getSound(Constants.notes.get(note));
        return "String: " + string + " Fret: "+ fret + " Sound: " + sound.Play();


package flyweight.server;

import java.util.HashMap;

public class Constants {
    static HashMap<Integer, Integer> stringMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
    static HashMap<Integer, String> notes = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
    static void setup() {
        stringMap.put(1, 4);
        stringMap.put(2, 11);
        stringMap.put(3, 7);
        stringMap.put(4, 2);
        stringMap.put(5, 9);
        stringMap.put(6, 4);

        notes.put(0, "C");
        notes.put(1, "C#");
        notes.put(2, "D");
        notes.put(3, "D#");
        notes.put(4, "E");
        notes.put(5, "F");
        notes.put(6, "F#");
        notes.put(7, "G");
        notes.put(8, "G#");
        notes.put(9, "A");
        notes.put(10, "A#");
        notes.put(11, "B");



package flyweight.server;

public interface Sound {
    String Play();


package flyweight.server;

public class SoundImpl implements Sound {
    private String note;

    public SoundImpl(String note) {
        this.note = note;

    public String Play() {
        return this.note + "- note";

    public String getNote() {
        return this.note;


package flyweight.server;

import io.micronaut.runtime.Micronaut;

public class Application {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Micronaut.run(Application.class, args);

Execution result

[INFO] Replacing original artifact with shaded artifact.
[INFO] Replacing C:\Users\tsushi\Code\java\spike\micronaut\flyweight-server\target\flyweight-server-0.1.jar with C:\Users\tsushi\Code\java\spike\micronaut\flyweight-server\target\flyweight-server-0.1-shaded.jar
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  7.444 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2020-10-26T14:16:48-07:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
PS C:\Users\tsushi\Code\java\spike\micronaut\flyweight-server> java -jar .\target\flyweight-server-0.1.jar
←[36m14:17:24.022←[0;39m ←[1;30m[main]←[0;39m ←[34mINFO ←[0;39m ←[35mio.micronaut.runtime.Micronaut←[0;39m - Startup completed in 1154ms. Server Running: http://localhost:8080


I'm glad I learned the Flyweight pattern and the ConcurrentHashMap lightly today.


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