[JAVA] Simplified version of number calculation by collecting information in an instance

Create an instance that holds the student name and the scores of 3 subjects, output and calculate the total score

Structural drawing.

スクリーンショット 2017-10-28 23.59.40.png


package mapScore_plus_easy;

import java.util.List;

public class UserDataBean {

    private String userName;
    private List<String> scoresList;

    public String getUserName() {
        return userName;
    public void setUserName(String userName) {
        this.userName = userName;

    public List<String> getScoresList() {
        return scoresList;
    public void setScoresList(List<String> scoresList) {
        this.scoresList = scoresList;



package mapScore_plus_easy;

public class Main {
	public static void main(String[] args) {

		//Instantiate total point calculation class
		CalculateSum calculatesum = new CalculateSum();
		//Instantiate a class that packs information into a userDataBean instance and returns it
		ScoreReturn sr = new ScoreReturn();

		UserDataBean inputResult = sr.inputReturn("Tanaka");
		System.out.println(inputResult.getUserName() + inputResult.getScoresList());
		//Call the total point calculation method using the return value of the above method as an actual argument

		UserDataBean inputResult2 = sr.inputReturn("Sato");
		System.out.println(inputResult2.getUserName() + inputResult2.getScoresList());
		//Call the total point calculation method using the return value of the above method as an actual argument

Personally, I was a little worried and struggled with how to use the list setter. Create a sampleList as a new list, add values to it, and finally use it as a setter argument. (If you do not create a new list and use the value as a setter argument multiple times, the setter will be updated instead of add, so it will be rewritten each time.)

package mapScore_plus_easy;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class ScoreReturn {

	//A method that sets values in userName and scoresList of userDataBean and returns its instance
	public UserDataBean inputReturn (String person_Name){
		UserDataBean userDataBean = new UserDataBean();

		//Create a sample list.
		List<String> sampleList = new ArrayList<String>();

		//If you initialize these random variables as fields,
		//Mr. Tanaka and Mr. Sato got exactly the same score, which is unnatural.
		int randomScore_Japanese = new java.util.Random().nextInt(101);
		int randomScore_Math     = new java.util.Random().nextInt(101);
		int randomScore_English  = new java.util.Random().nextInt(101);

		//Course list
		String score_japanese = Integer.toString(randomScore_Japanese);
		sampleList.add(("National language" + ":" + score_japanese ));

		String score_math = Integer.toString(randomScore_Math);
		sampleList.add("Math" + ":" + score_math );

		String score_eng = Integer.toString(randomScore_English);
		sampleList.add(("English" + ":" + score_eng ));


		//Returns an instance that holds the information.
		return userDataBean;


package mapScore_plus_easy;

import java.util.List;

public class CalculateSum {
	UserDataBean userdatabean = new UserDataBean();

	public void calculate(UserDataBean userDataBean){

		 List<String> scoresList = userDataBean.getScoresList();

		int sumScore = 0;

		for(String element : scoresList){
//			String deletedElement =  element.replaceAll("[^0-9]","");
			//Split is more versatile in this case than replace.
			String[] splitedElement = element.split(":");

			String t = splitedElement[1];
			int integerElement = Integer.parseInt(t);
			sumScore += integerElement;

		System.out.println(userDataBean.getUserName() + "The total score of" + sumScore + "Is a point");

Execution result

Tanaka[National language:20,Math:8,English:19]
Mr. Tanaka's total score is 47 points
Sato[National language:37,Math:78,English:89]
Mr. Sato's total score is 204 points

List variables are easier to understand if they are named "○○ List" as a naming convention.

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