[RUBY] Post videos with Active Storage

★ Active Storage allows you to post images and videos

Since there were few articles posting videos on Active Storage I challenged here without using carrier wave! !!

❶ Describe the format in the validation

Currently, presense is not applied to the validates: video part. .. video_type → Specify by type because it is created enough to shoot with a mobile phone video_size → About 20MB in 10 seconds, so specify for the time being

class Post < ApplicationRecord
  with_options presence: true do
    validates :title
    validates :price, format: { with: /\A[-]?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?\z/}
    validates_inclusion_of :price, in: 500..5000
    validates :video
  validate :video_type
  validate :video_size


  def video_type
    if !video.blob.content_type.in?(%('video/quicktime video/quicktime'))
        errors.add(:video, 'Please upload the video in mov format taken with your mobile phone')

  def video_size
    if video.blob.byte_size > 20.megabytes
      errors.add(:video, "Please retake the video short(Within 20MB)")


❷ Write a video tag in the view file

class PostsController < ApplicationController
<video src=<%= rails_blob_path(post.video) %> type="video/mov", controls></video>

★ Active Storage is convenient ...

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