[JAVA] [Quarkus] A trap that doesn't work even if you copy and paste the GCP Pub / Sub sample as it is


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[Quarkus] A trap that doesn't work even if you copy and paste the GCP Pub / Sub sample as it is
It doesn't work if the Map key is an array
Create a package that is a common development component of Automation Anywhere A2019 # 1-First, build and use the SDK sample as it is
An active hash that can be treated as data even if it is not in the database
Continuation ・ Active hash that can be handled as data even if it is not in the database ~ Display
If it is Ruby, it is efficient to make it a method and stock the processing.
The end of catastrophic programming # 03 "Comparison of integers, if" a> b ", assume that it is" a --b> 0 ""
Check if you're using Databinding and it doesn't work