Until you shake ruby with renpy

renpy has a lot of tags like html, but some settings are required to handle ruby.

If you use the rb </ code> tag as it is like html, it will be displayed overlapping as shown in the image below.

e "\"{rb}accident{/rb}{rt}Zico{/rt}\"Guy{rt}He{/rt}Is ...\"{rb}Bad luck{/rb}{rt}Hard rack{/rt}\"And dance{rt}dance{/rt}\"I got it ..."


To prevent this, put the following snippet somewhere.

style ruby_style is default:
    size 12
    yoffset -20

style say_dialogue:
    line_leading 12
    ruby_style style.ruby_style

Now it looks good. 2.jpg

The style is put in the basic gui.rpy, but in the sample, it is put directly in script.rpy.

I have placed the repository so please have a look when you stumble. https://github.com/misogihagi/renpy_ruby

However, this method has no choice but to set the font size statically, so if there is a way to specify it dynamically, please leave a comment etc .: wave :.

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