Play with Turtle on Google Colab


This article is a forgetting memo about how to use Turtle on Google Colab, which I use to study Pyhon.

What is Turtle?

From the original site: Turtle Graphics

Turtle graphics are often used as an introduction to programming for children. Turtle Graphics is part of the original Logo programming language developed by Wally Feurzeig, Seymour Papert, and Cynthia Solomon in 1967.

In short, it's a framework that makes it easy to draw using Python. It feels like a library for a Java shop. .. ..

You can't just play Turtle on Google Colab

So ColabTurtleUse the! There are people in the world who think about the same thing and make useful things (thanks)

How to use

Very simple! Just run the code below

Google Colaboratory

!pip3 install ColabTurtle

After that, you can play by writing the code as follows

Google Colaboratory

from ColabTurtle.Turtle import *

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