In order to study Python, I copied a swarm intelligence library called acopy.
In acopy, many interesting Python grammars and idioms are used, and it is summarized that it is convenient among them.
This time, we'll look at a built-in function called vars
There are several built-in functions in python, one of which is the function vars
vars (x)
returns the __dic__
attribute of object $ x $ as a dictionary.
is the dict attribute of a module or class instance object.
The dict attribute contains the values associated with the names of all the properties set on the object.
Let's see in a simple code that vars returns the __dic__
class A:
def __init__(self, x, y):
self.x = x
self.y = y
def f():
x = 50
a = A(10, 20)
{'x': 10, 'y': 20}
{'x': 50}
Try using vars
on object a of class A.
Then, you can get the __dic__
attribute set in the object a of class A, that is, all the instance information of a in the dictionary.
Also, since the local symbol table in the function is defined in the function, if nothing is specified in vars, __dic__
of the local symbol table will be returned. Therefore, it returns a dictionary of x.
In this way, vars allows you to learn the __dic__
By using vars, for example, all information about an instance of a class can be passed to other class methods. This is because it can be combined with a function called ** Unpack **.
For example, take a look at the following code.
class KeywordPrinter:
def printer(**kwargs):
text_arr = [f'(key = {key}, value = {kwargs[key]})' for key in kwargs.keys()]
return ', '.join(text_arr)
class A:
def __init__(self, x, y):
self.x = x
self.y = y
def __repr__(self):
return self.__class__.__name__ + KeywordPrinter.printer(**vars(self))
A(key = x, value = 10), (key = y, value = 20)
a = A(10, 20)
First, define a class called KeywordPrinter that converts all dictionaries into strings.
In addition, we will define a method with the __repr__
attribute in class A so that print can output an arbitrary character string, aiming for a simpler debug state.
Now, in __repr__
, I passed something called** vars (self)
to KeywordPrinter.
First, get the property dictionary information of instance a with vars (self)
Then, by unpacking it and passing it to the Printer, the dictionary will be returned as a character string in an easy-to-read manner.
This is an extreme example and shouldn't be used much, but in actual coding, there are situations where you want to pass a local variable to another method, class, or function.
At this time, you may be able to reduce the amount of coding by using ** vars (self)
I will study more.
-Difference between Python vars () and dir () -Get property information of Python class
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