docker-compose down and stop


docker-compose down and docker-compose stop I will write about the difference because it was fluffy.

Main subject

down down deletes the container network volume image created by up.

  --Delete rmi hoge image.
The hoge part is one of the following.
                        'all':Delete all images used by all services.
                        'local':Delete only images that do not have a custom tag in the image field.
   -v, --volumes Compose file`volumes`Delete named volume in section.
Also, the anonymous volume attached to the container has been deleted.
   --remove-Remove containers for services not defined in the orphans Compose file.

stop stop stops a running container, but does not delete it. Reboot with the docker-compose start command.

-t, --timeout TIMEOUT Specifies the number of shutdown timeout seconds(The default is 10)。


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