Get in touch with functional programming in JavaScript or Python 3

What is functional programming? I tried to touch it because it was my first experience with functional programming with JavaScript or Python. I'm still studying, so I'll make a note of what I learned for the time being.

Curry is the main thing today: curry:

For JavaScript

Preparatory exercise


        //Filter by filter

        let talentList = [
            {'name' : "Takada Kenshi" , 'Belong' : null},
            {'name' : "Motto" , 'Belong' : null},
            {'name' : "Midoni" , 'Belong' : "N○"},
            {'name' : "Kokuni" , 'Belong' : null},
            {'name' : "Kassan" , 'Belong' : "No Rashu"},
            {'name' : "jungle" , 'Belong' : "No Rashu"},

        let getFi = talentList.filter( x => x.Belong === null )
        getFi.forEach( e => console.log(
Takada Kenshi

        //For Each with the filtered result

        let ZimushoAruName = []

            .filter( x => !x.Belong)
            .forEach( x => ZimushoAruName.push(

            (3) ["Midoni", "Kassan", "jungle"]

        //Somehow popular reduce

        //Return the larger one
        const getMax = (a,b) => a > b ? a : b

        let fruits = [
            { "name" : "Apple" , "price" : 200 },
            { "name" : "Grape" , "price" : 500 },
            { "name" : "persimmon" , "price" : 150 },
            { "name" : "Strawberry" , "price" : 300 },
            { "name" : "melon" , "price" : 900 },
            { "name" : "Banana" , "price" : 100 },

        let m = fruits.reduce( (a,b) => getMax(a,b.price),0)
        // 900

Function to make hard this time


const reduce = func => start => datas => datas.reduce( (acum,product) => func(acum)(product.price),0) 

First of all, be gentle


    let ggj = function(c){
        return function(e){
            console.log(c + e)
hogee = ggj("Takada Kenshi's") // c
hogee("It's a street") // e
//It's the street of Takada Kenshi

I'll do my best


let a = b => c => d => b * c * d
// 6 
// 0

I will do my best


const products = [
            { "name" : "tea" , "price" : 100 , "sales": 1000 },
            { "name" : "rice ball" , "price" : 150 , "sales": 1300 },
            { "name" : "Bento" , "price" : 500 , "sales": 300 },
            { "name" : "cake" , "price" : 300 , "sales": 200 },
            { "name" : "Fried chicken" , "price" : 200 , "sales": 500 },
const add = x => y => x + y
const reduce = func => start => datas => datas.reduce( (acum,product) => func(acum)(product.price),0) 
const getSumPrice = reduce(add)(0)(products)
// 1250

For Python

Function to make hard this time

def getData(f):
	return lambda w : lambda v : lambda d : lambda : filter(lambda x : f(x[w])(v),d)

First of all, be gentle

product = [

#Return using filter
def addfilter(datas,price):
	return filter(lambda x: x['price'] >= price,datas)
def searchWithPrice(datas):
	return lambda price : lambda : addfilter(datas,price)
getsan = searchWithPrice(product)(300)
getyon = searchWithPrice(product)(400)


'''__Output result______________

[{'name': 'takadakenshi', 'price': 300}, {'name': 'babayutaka', 'price': 500}]
[{'name': 'babayutaka', 'price': 500}]


I'll do my best

def eq(a):
	return lambda b : a == b
def bigger(a):
	return lambda  b : a >= b
def kaiserSearch(func):
	return lambda where : lambda word : lambda product : lambda : filter(lambda x : func(x[where])(word),product)

out2 = kaiserSearch(eq)('name')('babayutaka')(product)
out3 = kaiserSearch(eq)('price')(100)(product)

out4 = kaiserSearch(bigger)('price')(300)(product)


Output result
[{'name': 'babayutaka', 'price': 500}]
[{'name': 'yokoyamamidori', 'price': 100}]

[{'name': 'takadakenshi', 'price': 300}, {'name': 'babayutaka', 'price': 500}]


What you are doing is the same

import requests

url = ''

json_data = requests.get(url).json()

def eq(a):
	return lambda b : a == b
def getData(f):
	return lambda w : lambda v : lambda d : lambda : filter(lambda x : f(x[w])(v),d)
result = getData(eq)('id')(1)(json_data)


ID1 GET with json is displayed.

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