I understood the contents of the blockchain roughly in the course of Udemy, so I implemented it. We implement it by ourselves based on the content of the course. Jun Sakai, an active engineer in Silicon Valley, teaches this course, and by taking this course, you will be able to create the following programs without looking at anything. Wallet and proof_of_work, which are not implemented in this post, are also implemented, so if you are interested, please take this course. I also recommend Jun Sakai's basic Python course.
The elements in each block are as follows.
--Block --previous_hash: Hash value of the previous block --nonce: Value found by mining --transaction: Transaction processed in the block --Timestamp: Time when the block was created
All blocks on the chain are connected by previous_hash, so if you want to tamper with a block in the middle of the chain, you have to recalculate all the hash values after that to prevent tampering.
The operation until a new block is added to the chain is as follows.
class BlockChain(object):
#Create the first block
def __init__(self):
self.chain = []
self.transaction_pool = []
#Returns a hash value
def hash(self, block):
json_block = json.dumps(block)
return hashlib.sha256(json_block.encode()).hexdigest()
#Create a block based on the received value
def create_block(self, previous_hash=None, nonce=0, transaction=None, timestamp=time.time()):
block = {
'previous_hash': previous_hash,
'nonce': nonce,
'transaction': transaction,
'timestamp': timestamp
#Add blocks to the chain
def add_block_to_chain(self, block):
#Find the nonce value
def mining(self):
previous_hash = self.hash(self.chain[-1])
nonce = 0
transaction = self.transaction_pool
self.transaction_pool = []
timestamp = time.time()
self.create_block(previous_hash, nonce, transaction, timestamp)
#Pool transactions
def add_transaction(self, sender_name, reciever_name, value):
transaction = {
'Sender_name': sender_name,
'Reciever_name': reciever_name,
'Value': value
#Output the chain in an easy-to-read format
def print_chain(self):
for chain_index, block in enumerate(self.chain):
print(f'{"="*40}Block {chain_index:3}')
if block['transaction'] is None:
for key, value in block.items():
if key == 'transaction':
for transaction in value:
for kk, vv in transaction.items():
if __name__ == '__main__':
print('='*30 + 'Start' + '='*30)
#Create a BlockChain instance
blockchain = BlockChain()
#Register a transaction
blockchain.add_transaction(sender_name='Alice', reciever_name='Bob', value=100)
#Register a transaction
blockchain.add_transaction(sender_name='Alice', reciever_name='Chris', value=1)
#Perform mining (search for nonce)
#Add a transaction
blockchain.add_transaction(sender_name='Bob', reciever_name='Dave', value=100)
#Perform mining (search for nonce)
#Display the created blockchain
========================================Block 0
========================================Block 1
previous_hash :54c72dc7390c09a6d2c00037c381057a7bd069e8d9c427585ce31bed16dfd0d8
nonce :0
transaction :
Sender_name :Alice
Reciever_name :Bob
Value :100
transaction :
Sender_name :Alice
Reciever_name :Chris
Value :1
timestamp :1578989130.9111161
========================================Block 2
previous_hash :d4bb210d2e3ad304db53756e87a7513b2fca8672c6e757bef6db3fff8ff26bb1
nonce :0
transaction :
Sender_name :Bob
Reciever_name :Dave
Value :100
timestamp :1578989132.9128711
It is a blockchain that has not been heard much since it became popular a while ago, but there are still more use cases such as Sony using it for copyright management and Microsoft using it for personal ID, so study it. I think there is no loss. In the future, we plan to implement the one linked with Flask.
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