There is a standard UML class diagram for drawing object-oriented programming (OOP), but I thought it would be easier to explain if there was a symbol for OOP when explaining the main flow.
First of all, the existing flow diagram symbols alone cannot capture the flow of OOP in the following points.
So I devised a symbol to represent the instance. The following figure is an instance of the calculator object in the article Introduction of window operation program for object-oriented programming experience made with VBS that was uploaded to qiita before. It is a diagram showing the conversion.
The symbols used to represent the behavior of the instance on the main flow diagram are
It becomes an expression like.
A flow chart that uses the symbols of this instance to express a simple process for operating two instances of a red calculator and a black calculator in cooperation with each other.
It will be shaped like.
The Java language code in the form of this flowchart
Dentaku2 AkaDentaku = new Dantaku2();
Dentaku2 KuroDantaku = new Dentaku2();
Double a = AkaDentaku.tasu(0.0));
a += KuroDentaku.tasu(0.0));
If (a >= 10.0)
System.out.println("The answer of the red calculator"+ AkaDentaku.tasu(0.0));
System.out.println("The answer of the black calculator"+ KuroDentaku.tasu(0.0));
In order to express it as a flow chart without disturbing the analysis of the main flow, I thought that it would be good to introduce a flow chart symbol for OOP.
I put the draw image of this instance symbol in the PowerPoint slide of "Object-oriented programming introductory kit 2". I will. You can use it when you want to incorporate it into your own flow chart.