I believe that any programmer wants to complete all the operations from the terminal. (Since emacs cannot be used, it is a secret that it is vscode group)
So, look up the meaning of English words from terminal with ruby.
system "curl -s https://ejje.weblio.jp/content/#{ARGV[0]} |grep main> ~/dic/tmp.txt"
File.open("#{Dir.home}/dic/tmp.txt", "r") do |f|
f.readlines[0].match(/.*<td class="content-explanation .*\">(.*)<\/td>.*/)
puts $1
system "rm ~/dic/tmp.txt"
Line 1: Use curl in system calls. I am using Weblio English-Japanese Dictionary. The arguments are expanded in the url and narrowed down by grep. Write it to ~ / dic / tmp.txt.
2nd line: Open the previous file in read mode. Since "~" could not be used in the .File method, it is set to Dir.home.
Line 3: Read the file and extract the Japanese translation using regular expressions. Output it.
Finally, delete the file.
@scivola pointed out in the comments. Thank you.
result = `curl -s https://ejje.weblio.jp/content/#{ARGV[0]}`
puts result.match(%r{main.*<td class="content-explanation .*">(.*)</td>}).to_a[1]
I can't describe it so concisely! I realized that I still have a lot to learn.
alias dic='ruby ~/dic/dic.rb'
❯❯❯ dic dog
dog,(Of canines)雄、雄dog,くだらない人間、魅力のない男、醜い女、「ぶす」、やつ、くだらないもの、失敗作
Words of course
❯❯❯ dic takecareof
Take care of ..., take care of ..., take care of ..., take on ..., handle, survive, get rid of yourself, defeat, kill
Collocation is also ok
❯❯❯ dic physics
natural philosophy、physics
On the contrary, English translation is also ok