[JAVA] How to solve the font specification problem dedicated to using IntelliJ IDEA (Win x64)

Conclusion first

Introduce OpenJDK x64 to% IDE_HOME% \ jre64.

What is the problem?

If you are using IntelliJ IDEA on Windows, do you know that there are some fonts that are corrupted when specified in the UI or Editor fonts?

Noto Sans CJK JP ... Noto Sans CJK JP

Source Han Code JP ... Source Han Code JP

If you accidentally press Apply or OK, the UI will go into a different dimension. UI


  <component name="UISettings">
    <!--Fix this-->
    <option name="FONT_FACE" value="Noto Sans Mono CJK JP Regular" />
    <option name="HIDE_TOOL_STRIPES" value="false" />
    <option name="SHOW_MEMORY_INDICATOR" value="true" />
    <option name="OVERRIDE_NONIDEA_LAF_FONTS" value="true" />

This issue only occurs on Windows x64 versions and does not seem to occur on x86, Mac and Linux versions. As a result of investigating the difference between them, I found that it occurs in "** When using Oracle JDK to start IntelliJ IDEA for Windows **".


  1. Get the OpenJDK x64 binary for Windows. I used the zip compressed version of here.
  1. Place the unzipped files in% IDE_HOME% \ jre64. Reference: IntelliJ IDEA Support
  2. With prayer, double-click IntelliJ IDEA (idea64.exe)!


Let's share the joy of being able to specify programming fonts that we've been curious about but couldn't use!

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